Chapter 20:) Kisses and Frosting

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I stared at Cedric with a firm expression. I didn't know how to respond.

" and one more thing. I know that I am never going to stop fancying you. So you can either suffer or deal with it. And me. " I had no words. I didn't know what to say or how to respond. Luckily he didn't make me.

All he did was grab me and pull me towards him.

Our lips met with a passion I had never felt before. I felt sparks and electricity as he sucked my lower lip. He wrapped his arms around my waist as I wrapped mine around his neck.

We turned around and he pressed me against the wall, not breaking our kiss.

I felt tingles in my stomach. But these were different than the ones I had with George. These were like a bushel of butterflies trying to escape my stomach. I could see fireworks.

I knew what I had to do. I had to break up with George.

After I finished snogging Cedric.

The thing is I didn't want to stop. He was a good kisser shockingly. An extremely good kisser.

He rested his hands on my hips as I wrapped mine around his neck. He slowly brought his hands up and cupped my neck. I rested my hands on his hips.

A wave of happiness came over me when I felt his tongue move across my bottom lip. I opened my mouth letting him in and our tongues battled for dominance.

He grabbed my hands and pinned them to my sides as he brought his lips down and started kissing my neck.

" Cedric I.... I'm with George " I breathed as he kissed my neck. He ignored me. " but right now I'm totally forgetting why "

He chuckled and continued kissing my neck.

I couldn't help but let out a little moan. He brought his lips back up and started kissing me again.

It felt so right but I felt so bad. I had to go break up with George. I couldn't stay with George after this.

I broke the kiss and started running away.

" Hayden wait! " Cedric called. He didn't chase after me. I ran all the way to the Gryffindor common room. I was out of breathe by the time I got there.

" there you are " George said walking up to me.

" here I am " I said in a breathy tone. He kissed my cheek and led me to the couch. " I need to talk to you "

" I need to talk to you too " we both stared at each other. " I should probably go first "

" okay " I replied. I stared at him. He had on a nervous face.

" I'm just going to blurt it out. " he got off the couch and kneeled on one knee. My eyes opened wide. What is he doing? " Hayden Regulus Black. I love you "

My breath was stolen from me as he said those three words. This was not the way I expected this conversation to go.

" now I don't expect you to say it so soon. You don't have to say it at all. I just... needed you to know. I'm sorry if this is so sudden but I've been feeling this way for a few months and Fred and Lee told me to grow a pair and tell you even if you might- "

" woah woah woah wait " I said interrupting him. " Fred and Dreads told you to tell me? " he nodded. I screamed in frustration and ran up the stairs to his dorm.

Just as I thought, Fred, Jordan and Kenneth were playing exploding snap in the middle of the room.

" you told him to tell me he loved me? " I scared them so much Lee dropped his cards making them explode. Once they started exploding the rest of them exploded.

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