Chapter 30:) to Hogwarts!

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Cedric and I climbed on the train as the last whistle blew.

" your dad actually let you get away early this time. " I stated. He rolled his eyes and grabbed my backpack from me. " I can take that, ya know! "

" yes but you don't have to. You have me. " he smiled and pecked my lips.

" how did I get so lucky to have you as my best friend and my boyfriend? " I asked, flabbergasted. He smirked and faced me, grabbing my hand.

" I should be asking you that. Except girlfriend not boyfriend." I chuckled and followed him to an open compartment. He opened the door for me and we sat down across from each other.

" can you hand me my backpack " he grabbed my backpack and tossed it to me. Surprisingly, I caught it. We both were flabbergasted. Slowly very slowly Cedric started clapping.

" new year new you " I rolled my eyes.

" sod off " I unzipped my backpack to pull out my coloring book and markers.

Don't judge me! I'm in a childish mood!

Cedric pulled out his book, the Great Gatsby, and started reading.

We stayed quiet for about an hour as we just read and colored. It was really... sweet. Just being with each other. We weren't doing anything but I found it to be really romantic.

I watched him read. The way his eyes flicked back and forth amazed me. He always got so into his books. I noticed how quick they were flicking. He was a fast reader.

My thoughts were interrupted by a knock at the door. They didn't wait for us to answer it. They just barged in.

" hello cousin " I said in a dry tone. Draco and his bitches had entered our compartment.

" hello cousin " Draco snarled. He was staring at me. I huffed and put down my colored pencils.

" can I help you? " I asked, after a moment of silence.

" well aren't you going to offer us a seat " Draco asked. I gave him a dry look.

" yeah, I'm sure your compartment is open. " I snapped. He and his munches glared at me.

" Hayden just come sit by me " Cedric pulled me over to him. The trio sat across from us. His friend Goyle accidentally stepped on my broken ankle.

I yelled in pain and clutched it. The trio ignored my pain.

" what do you want Draco? " I asked.

" father asked me to keep an eye on you. "

" why? " I asked. He glared at me.

" how the bloody hell am I supposed to know? Just don't do anything too stupid that I'll have to report back to him. " he snapped.

" like kicking you where the sun don't shine? " I asked. He glared at me.

" just be careful. "

" I am a big girl. I can handle myself. I don't need my ruddy cousin checking up on me. He didn't seem to care before. " I yelled at him as he started to walk out. Cedric grabbed my hand.

" don't you dare insult my father " I rolled my eyes.

" I didn't insult him. I'm speaking the truth. Now get out of here " him and his friends left. I sighed heavily. It was odd. Draco never talked to me. At all! Cedric wrapped an arm around my shoulder and I laid my head on his chest.

" I'm sorry about them baby. " he whispered sweetly. " I'm truly sorry "

I didn't know how to respond.

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