Chapter 72:) Here comes the baby carriage

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" what're we looking at? "

" the sky. "

" why? "

" it soothes me " I looked over at Hayden. Who had her eyes shut as if she was soaking it all in. She looked beautiful. " I just stand up here and imagine all the soothing things "

" such as? " she inhaled and sighed noisily

" the sound of waves slapping a beach, or the smell of Cedric's pine cologne. Or feeling my ring on my finger. Or Cedric holding me. When I sing to the baby and he kicks. The smell of frosting. The taste of frosting. Just a bunch of things " I smiled.

" why is frosting so special to you? " I asked. She tucked a piece of hair behind her ear.

" it's mine and Cedric's special food. " I nodded and leaned against the rail.

" what would our special food be? " I asked. She thought about it.

" either tater tots or bacon " I nodded. I saw her shiver. She forgot to bring a jacket. It's the middle of January, we're outside and she forgot to bring a jacket! I shook mine off and placed it around her shoulders. " so what about you Fred? Anyone you fancy? "

" how did that get brought up? " I asked. She smiled at me.

" that's a yes. Who is it? " I blushed.


" no one you know " she frowned and started poking my shoulder over and over again. " Hayden it really doesn't matter. "

" yes it does. Who is it? " she asked.

" it doesn't matter! And besides... she's taken " she frowned.

" well she's an idiot for not fancying you. You're amazing " she said with a wink. I chuckled. " when was the last time you went out on a date? Or even snogged someone? "

" date... the time I took you if you consider that a date. And snogged... when Angelina attacked me. Blegh! " she laughed. " well what about you? "

" same for the date and snogged was right before Cedric entered the maze. Yeah " I nodded.

" what about plain kissed? Just a three second kiss? " she shook her head.

" it's been nine months since I kissed anyone " damn. " okay okay. Don't judge! "

" I'm not. And if it makes you feel any better I've never snogged someone I fancied. " she gaped at me. I nodded.

" damn. Not even a peck? " I shook my head. She sighed. " then here I am, pregnant "

" well... you found the love of your life sooner " she smiled sadly.

" yeah. Now if he could just wake up that'd be great " I nodded and sat beside her, dangling my legs over the edge. She scooted closer and wrapped her arms around my right arm, leaning her head on my shoulder. It was silent for a few moments. Until she spoke up. " you have really never snogged anyone you fancied? "

" they all were either taken or didn't fancy me. " I told her.

" well... like I said. Idiots " I smiled and kissed the top of her head.

Soon we had to go back to class and unfortunately, learn.

" wherever you mates been? " Lee asked as we walked in.

" astronomy tower. Needed some fresh air " Hayden explained. She had to sit on the other side of the class.

" today I shall be talking over your Defense Against the Dark Arts class. Professor Umbridge has been called to the ministry to give a report on Hogwarts " Mcgonagall explained. The Gryffindors and Ravenclaws cheered. She hid a smile as she shushed us.

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