Chapter 65

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"Wow. You're as clever as the devil and twice as pretty." I chuckled, shaking my head as we made our way down the hall.

"No, seriously! Hopefully if we name him Chaste then he'll keep it in his pants!" Cedric howled with laughter. "I'm not saying teenage pregnancy is bad because look at us but if he isn't like you and can't support the girl he gets prego then..."

"Does she always talk like this?" Bash asked, following us down the hallway. Addy was right behind him, followed by Fred, Daphne and George. I honestly don't know how, but summer is officially over and we were on the train to Hogwarts. My younger siblings were coming with us this year. That was still strange. I have younger siblings.

"Yes, but you get used to it." Cedric responded, kissing my cheek. I smiled. We found an open compartment and all crammed inside. Addy volunteered herself happily to sit on the floor while Bash sat next to me and Cedric on one bench. Daphne sat in between the twins on the bench across from us. I knew it wouldn't be crowded for too long because Cedric, unfortunately, had Head Boy duties in an hour. I was so proud of him but I was upset at the same time. I knew that him being Head Boy would mean he would have as much time for me and our child. Is that selfish?

I also wasn't excited that the Head Girl was Bethany Pembroke, a Ravenclaw that seems to have her eye on every guy in school. They would be staying in the Head Boy/Girl tower together, just the two of them. I wasn't sure if I was allowed to stay in there also even though I was his wife. Ced told me not to worry about a thing and that I should trust him. I do trust him. I just don't trust girls that don't know what no means.

"You're daydreaming again." My husband whispered, twirling a strand of my ponytail around his finger. I looked over at him.

"Just thinking..." he hummed.


"Death." Everyone stopped talking and stared at me, their eyebrows fish-hooked in confusion. George was the first one to speak.

"Um... care to-"


"Okay then..." he leaned back in his seat. Daphne fought a smile and patted his knee. He gave her a polite smile in return. I was so disappointed that nothing was happening between them! Maybe that could be my goal this year. Get them together.

"George." I remarked. He looked over at me expectantly. "Don't you think Daphne would look beautiful with some highlights in her hair?" He looked at her, studying while she gave me a confused look.

"No. I actually like her hair the way it is. Strawberry blonde. It goes good with her freckles."

"Well," she corrected. He gave a teasing stern eye at her before turning to talk to Fred. I mouthed that I would tell her later and she nodded. Addy plopped down beside me on. The bench, smiling.

"So... what house do you think we'll be in?" She asked, slightly bouncing. I shrugged. "What's your favorite house?"

"Gryffindor, obviously." Cedric and Daphne both scoffed and rolled their eyes but the twins just cheered. "For you, as sweet as you are, I'd probably guess... Hufflepuff. Ced?"

"Definitely." My husband agreed, nodding his head. "And Bash is most likely going to be in Slytherin."

"Is that a good thing?"

"Depends on who you ask and who you become friends with." Fred responded, laying one arm on the back of the chair and relaxing. "For instance, if you friended Malfoy and his bitches-"

"Wait, Malfoy?" Bash asked, looking at me. I nodded. "Isn't he our cousin?"

"Unfortunately." I growled. Bash and Addy both have me strange looks and I sighed. "Look, our family history is complicated but the easiest way of putting it is dad is the white sheep."

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