Chapter 62

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•••Cedric's POV•••

Hayden started shaking her head frantically, grabbing my hand and starting to walk out the door while simultaneously saying, "Nope! Nope! Nopity nope nope!"

"Hayden, get back here." Sirius cried. I noticed his hand on the back of the blonde woman's back. Hayden stopped and turned around.

"No, dad. I already know that this is gonna cause drama and I don't need anymore drama right now. I just had Cedric killed then come back alive and we have absolutely no clue how or why, Voldemort's back, and I am so completely stressed about the baby that it's not even funny!" Her face paled when she realized what she had just said. Everyone stopped and stared at her.

"Baby?" The woman asked. Hayden hugged me closely. "You- you're pregnant?" When Hayden didn't do anything, I nodded. "Sirius?"

"I didn't know! Remus?"

"Nope. Amos?"

"Nuh uh." All of them stared at us as Hayden took deep breaths in my shirt. Dad stepped forward. "Ced, I-"

"You slept with my daughter!" Sirius growled, stepping towards me. The woman put her hand on his chest.

"Siri, Hayden is a grown woman now. It's her body, her choice." That didn't stop my father in law from glaring and growling at me. I held Hayden closer, cradling the back of her head.

"Marlene, he got her pregnant!"

"And they're husband and wife now. And besides, you got me pregnant at the same age. You can't say anything." Marlene said soothingly. Hayden was shaking. I rubbed her back until she broke away from me. She ran towards Marlene faster than I thought was possible.

"Mum!" She sobbed, holding onto her tightly. "How are you here? I thought you were dead!" Marlene held her daughter, shushing her.

"Hayden, I'll explain everything, I promise." It took a couple minutes but once Hayden was transferred to my arms, her tears subsided and she was able to listen to her mother tell her story.

"It started when I was born. You know I come from a large family, all pure blood. My parents weren't blood fascist at all. They adored muggles and muggleborns. When I was born, I had a twin sister... Laura. She was a squib. When she realized that in some families, a squib was considered a disappointment, she ran away, not wanting to bother us.

"She and I kept in touch up to the day that I went to surprise her. I was already married to your father and you were just three years old. I wanted so badly for her to come and meet you so I decided to leave you with your father and go surprise her. I was going to convince her to come home. But she had decided to go and surprise me as well. While I was in Ireland trying to find her, she and the rest of my family were killed by Death Eaters. Everyone thought it was me who had been killed.

"I wanted to come back for you guys but Dumbledore said that Death Eaters were looking for me and if I came back, you and your father would be put in danger. Then, Uncle Peter came to visit me. He said that Sirius had been working with the Death Eaters and was now in Azkaban. He also said that you, Lily, James, Daphne, Harry and Remus were dead. I was so distraught that I cut myself off from the Wizarding World entirely. I never knew that you were still alive until a couple days ago.

"I found out your father escaped Azkaban and I went to go find him. Even though I thought he had helped Voldemort, I still loved him. I looked all over Europe and couldn't find him. Then, a couple days ago, I saw the newspaper." She reached into her purse and grabbed a Daily Prophet. Gently, she handed it to me. I read the heading.


I closed my eyes, pressing my lips against the top of Hayden's head. She looked up at me and made sure I kissed her forehead. She squeezed me tighter.

I Love You Idiot!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora