Chapter 71

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It was nearly Christmas break when the ground was finally covered with white snowflakes. It was so beautiful that all I wanted to do was spend my time outside in the snow. I went to Hogsmeade several times to meet Fred, George, Daphne, Bash and Addy and all of us would hang out together, buy Christmas gifts, drink butterbeer. I was happy for the most part. Whenever I kept my mind off Cedric, I was usually in a joyful mood. I thought I had lost everyone when I lost Cedric but if anything, it made me realize just how many people I have in my life who love and care for not only me, but this baby. Addy had been giving me name suggestions every time she saw me and Daphne was begging me to let her throw me a baby shower. There were some benefits to a baby shower. Less things to buy when the baby actually comes being the biggest. But there were also valid reasons not to have one: I would have to socialize. And I don't like that very much.

Fred had kind of replaced Cedric as my best friend. It still hurt like a mother father whenever I thought about my soon to be ex-husband and I felt like nothing would ever mask that pain. But Fred always got my mind off of that pain and fixed it somewhere else. He would change the subject or drag me into a store or something. That was how I nearly got my arm ripped off.

"Ouch! Fred, you have to be more gentle." I reprimanded when he dragged me into Zonkos. The rest of our group stood outside, confused as to why Fred had yanked me so harshly.

"Sorry, love." he said nervously. I ignored it and started to walk outside again when he grabbed my arm and pulled me into a hug. "Hayden, ya know, I just love you so much!"

"Um, thanks?" I murmured, shoving him off me. "I love you too but if you keep doing that, I'm going to cut your head off with a butter knife." I turned around and saw what he was trying to shield me from. Cedric was sitting across the street at a table, drinking butterbeer and reading a book calmly. My heart thudded harder than ever. I wanted to go over and yell at him. More than anything. But instead, I decided to keep my head high and show him that he didn't affect me at all. That was the biggest lie ever.

"Hayden, wait!" Adelaide cried as I started walking over. They all chased after me, calling my name. It caught Cedric's attention. He choked on his butterbeer once he saw me. I wanted to laugh at how silly he was. But instead, I pretended not to notice him.

"What?" I asked as everyone ran up to me. "It's cold and I want a butterbeer. Fred?" he hummed in response. I gave a cheesy smile and he knew what I was asking.

"Yeah, I'll get it for you. Go by the fire and get warm, alright, love?" he walked by, kissing my cheek. I noticed that Daphne and Addy were staring down Bash and George. George was willing to get Daphne her own drink but Bash was being a butt.

"You're my sister. I don't need to get you anything. My presence is gift enough." she glared and stepped on his foot before storming inside. I held the door open for everybody before starting to follow them in. Someone grabbed my arm though and yanked me towards them. I landed with an oof  against a hard, familiar chest. I looked up and met Cedric's gorgeous grey eyes. It took everything in me not to kiss him.

"Hayden, we need to talk." I took a step away and looked down at my boots.

"You're right. We do." I mumbled.

"I me-"

"You haven't signed the divorce papers yet." he stopped, staring at me. The baby kicked and I grunted, putting a hand over my stomach. He eyed me, making sure I was okay. "Cedric, you're the one who wanted the divorce yet you haven't signed the papers."

"Why'd you sign?" he growled. I stared up at him in disbelief.

"Let me count the reasons, shall I?" I started to count off on my fingers. "My husband told me he wanted a divorce, he told me he wants to put our daughter up for adoption, he told me he hates me, he fell in love with someone else, he made me feel absolutely awful about myself and on my birthday no less... I told you, Cedric, I want you to be happy. So I signed the papers. Just like you wanted."

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