Chapter 33:) Cedrics Birthday P1

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Two months passed. Soon it was Cedric's birthday. Yay! He made me promise no presents. I'm a little glad because I have absolutely no idea what to get him.

It wasn't this hard to get something for George's birthday when we were dating, why is it so hard with Cedric?

Oh well. I'll just stick to his advice and not get him anything. He'll be fine.

" good morning " he sang sweetly walking into my bedroom. I turned around and looked up at him.

He had a blue box in his hands.

" morning. Happy Birthday " I told him. He smiled.

" thank you sweetie " I smiled as he bent down and pecked my lips.

" so what's in the box? "

" cupcake Daphne gave me " I nodded. He held it out for me " figured you would want it. It looks too sweet for me "

" since when have you not liked sweet things? " I asked as he sat down beside me.

" you're sweet enough for me " I scrunched my nose.

" so I'm sweet? " he nodded and opened the box " last week I told Jordan to pull his bottom lip over his head and swallow it "

" you're sweet to me " he smirked at me.

" some days "

" that is true " he handed the cupcake to me, grinning softly. " but I don't mind. "

" aw! How thoughtful of you " I took the cupcake. " do you see that? "

" what? " he looked at the cupcake.

" that. Right there " he looked at the cupcake closer. I shoved it in his face. " That! "

" that's not very nice love " I smiled at him. He had frosting all over his mouth.

" you sure look cute " he started leaning in. I shook my head and tried to push him away. He was too strong. " no. Cedric don't! I just did my- "

He cut me off by pressing his lips to mine. I smiled as he got frosting all over my face. I could taste the frosting on his lips.

We broke apart and I scowled at him.

" makeup " I finished.

" you look beautiful. You don't need makeup. " he said. I smiled at him before getting up to go wash my face.

After I was done washing my face I tossed him the wash cloth so he could wash his. I then grabbed my make up bag and was about to start reapplying it when Cedric walked up to me and ripped the bag out of my hands.

" what do you think you're doing? " he asked hiding the bag behind his back.

" beautifying myself. What're you doing? " I asked him.

" I need to confess something " he set down my makeup bag and grabbed my hand dragging me to my bed. " I lied to you "

I inhaled sharply.

" what about? " I scowled at him as a grin spread on his face.

" I don't want nothing for my birthday. I want you. No makeup, no fancy clothes. Just you " I breathed a sigh of relief.

" you scared me. " he smiled sheepishly.

" sorry " we smiled at each other.

" why no makeup? I'll be ugly without it. " he shook his head.

I Love You Idiot!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang