Chapter 74:) Fred and the "date"

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" what? No two week old kid joining the date? " I shook my head as we walked across the grounds.

" no. A, it's not a date. It's a thank you. And b, 'gramps' wanted to spend time with Angelica. " he chuckled. " dad wants to be call anything other than grandad so Remus suggested gramps. "

" well okay then. What am I? " I froze. What was Fred to Angelica? He's treated her as if she was his own and he's been there for me as if it was his baby I was carrying. He's definitely more than just Uncle Fred but what is he.

" it's not a date " I repeated trying to change the subject. He eyed me.

" for someone who thinks it's not a date you sure are denying it quite a bit " I rolled my eyes and held my elbow in my left hand. He gave a nervous smile. " do you want it to be a date? "

I shrugged.

" do you? " I asked. He copied my movements before nodding.

" sure why not? " his face was almost as red as my hair. " so is this a date or not? "

" I dunno. I guess... maybe... sure. Yes. It is a date " I decided. I felt a little guilty but mostly excited. I hadn't been on a true date in forever. Fred was grinning madly at me. I felt butterflies in my stomach.

What was that?

" Hayden? "

" did you feel that? " he shook his head. " hmm. Well I'm sure it was nothing "

We got to Hogsmeade and the Three Broomsticks when I realized I forgot my wallet at the hospital in Cedric's room.

" I'll be back " I told Fred.

" I can pay- "

" you have done more than enough. I'll be back as soon as possible " he nodded and I disapparated. Right into Cedric's hospital room.

I grabbed my blue wallet on the nightstand and stopped to stare at Cedric. He was just as beautiful as ever.

" sweetie I'm prepared to cut you a deal. I'm not moving on. I'll never move on. But... I'll go on dates. Just to make you happy " I nodded frowning. I bent over and kissed his cheek. " I love you. Ange and I will visit you later. Love you! "

And I disapparated.

" hey what took so long? " Fred asked passing me my firewhisky.

" I had to tell Cedric something. " he eyed me. " I'm dating now "

I saw him try to hide his smile.

" I feel so guilty " I mumbled. He sat down across from me.

" I'm sorry " he whispered. I shook my head.

" it's fine. It's time to start dating. " he nodded.

" so I'm the first date? " I shrugged before nodding.

" but be warned... I'm engaged and once my fiancée wakes up I'm marrying him " Fred nodded. " I love Cedric "

" I know "


" how was she? " I asked as I put my bag on the coat rack, my coat following.

" good. She slept almost the entire time. " I nodded and took Angelica from dads arms.

" hey sweetie. Want to visit daddy tomorrow? " she gurgled. " I'll take that as a yes "

" so she's taken a liking to Tonks " Remus informed me as I sat in the rocking chair. I smiled. " yeah she got her to stop crying. "

" well that's good. " I whispered. Angelica raised her hand and tried to grab my lip. I chuckled. " did you guys ever imagine this would be my life? "

" well a teenage pregnancy wasn't my ideal image for your life but I wouldn't trade this little girl for the world " dad informed me. I smiled.

" I'm going to go to bed. I'll see you both in the morning. Oh and real quick Hayden " I looked up at Remus. " there's a letter for you on the counter "

" okay. Goodnight Uncle Rem " he kissed the top of my head before climbing up the stairs.

" I'm going to bed too. I'll see you in the morning sweetie. If you need any help during the night let me know " I nodded.

" night daddy " he kissed both mine and Angelica's foreheads before following Remus. I stared down at my daughter who was resting peacefully in my arms.

She was absolutely breathtaking. Pale skin, blonde hair that was poking out from the small green hat she had on. When she had her eyes open you could tell she had her fathers caramel brown eyes. And crooked smile that absolutely melts me.

I could see her scar clearly on her arm as she clutched onto the stuffed animal Harry had gotten her. It was a fox.

That made me happy when I saw it. No one except for Fred and Daphne understood why it made me so happy.

I saw her slowly yawn. It made me yawn.

" okay sweetie... I'm going to bed. You're getting you beauty rest, daddy's getting his. Now mumma needs hers. " I stood up and carried her upstairs, placing her in the bassinet. My stomach gurgled.

Dang it! I want to sleep!

" Kreacher! " a popping noise echoed through my room as the House elf arrived.

" yes Miss? " he asked croakily.

" can you make me a grilled cheese please. With tomato soup " he nodded.

" yes miss. Kreacher lives to serve the house of Black. " I hated it when he said that.

He left as I started getting ready for bed.

Soon Kreacher brought my food back right as Angelica started crying again. He set it on the table for me while I took care of my daughter. I would've asked him to take care of her but I'm about ready to kill him. First thing he said when she came through the front door was

" filthy half-blood "

I swear to Merlin Fred had to hold me back so I wouldn't strangle him.

By the time I got Angelica to quit crying my food was cold. Luckily with a flick of my wand it was warm again. I snarfed down my food and climbed in bed.

It was weird without Fred lying next to me. He has been for the past nine months, comforting me. But he's at Hogwarts right now and I'm here with a newborn. I suddenly remembered the letter Remus had told me about.

" accio letter " I whispered softly. The letter zoomed up to my open hand. I quietly opened it, careful not to wake Angelica, and read it.


Hayden Black ( Diggory )

You have been accepted to join.

Order of the Phoenix meetings every Tuesday night at 12 Grimmauld Place. Passcode hidden in envelope.

Tell no one who doesn't already know about the Order!

We trust you.

Good Luck

~ Professor A. Dumbledore

P.S. Congratulations on your daughter.

" well okay then " I whispered. I smiled to myself softly as I put the letter in my nightstand and laid my head on my pillow. I could smell Fred's cinnamon cologne. I miss it.

Inhaling the scent, I fell asleep. For about an hour.

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