Chapter 88:) bwue haiw?!?! Ah, the glory days

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His leg was bouncing up and down as I said the words. He seemed to be upset but understanding.

" I kinda figured it was coming. " he whispered. I grabbed his hand and soothingly ran my thumb over his skin.

" I'm sorry Freddie. I'm leading you on and I can't hurt you " I mumbled. He nodded. " these past nine months have been amazing but I- I... I can't love you. I'm so sorry "

" woah... has it really been nine months? " I nodded. " damn "

" yeah. Are you okay? " he looked up at me.

" of course I am. Are you? " I shrugged.

" I want Cedric back. A lot " I whispered. He nodded.

" I know you do. And I can't wait for the day when I hear that you two eloped. " I chuckled. " oh come on. We all know it's gonna happen "

" maybe. " I muttered. He rubbed my back.

" I love you Reggie. And I'll always be here for you " before I could stop him he leaned forward and pressed his lips to mine.

It was short but passionate.

" I love you too Fred. Just... not the way you want me to " he looked up at me and brushed hair out of my face.

" you... are so beautiful " he murmured. I blushed. " I guess I'll get going. "

" Fred I really want to keep being friends with you. " he smiled as he stood up and ruffled my hair. I groaned and fixed it.

" we will always be best friends Reggie. " I smiled. " but I have to get back to work. "

" have fun. I'm bringing Angelica by later " he nodded.

" good. I'll see you both then " he turned to walk out but he stopped, turning to face me. " I just want one last thing. "

" anything "

" can I kiss you one last time? " I slowly nodded. He practically ran towards me, cupping my face and dragging me into a kiss. I wrapped my arms around his waist as we fell on the bed.

He pulled me as close to his body as possible. I grabbed handfuls of his shirt, wanting to rip it off of him. I felt him start lifting my shirt up. I shook my head and broke the kiss.

" we can't Fred " he sighed and nodded.

" I know. " he gave me one last passionate kiss before standing up. I gave a smile and he disapparated. I sighed and leaned back on the couch, tears stinging my eyes.

" mama? " I saw Angelica peek her head in the room. " why cry? "

" mamas just really emotional right now. " I told her, picking her up and setting her on my lap. She played with a strand of my hair.

" hair bwue? " I nodded.

" Mama used to have blue hair. " she pointed at her own hair.

" BWUE! " she shouted. I smiled.

" you want blue hair? " she nodded.

" same as mama " she exclaimed. I smiled.

" I think we can do that " she started clapping and shouting with delight. I giggled. " maybe Aunt Daphne will do it too "

" no way " Daphne exclaimed walking in the room. " but I will help if you want "

" thanks "


After an hour the ends of mine, Angelica's and Daphne's ( Angelica's sobbing got her to do it ) were all different shades of blue.

" pretty " Angelica exclaimed playing with the ends of her hair. I chuckled and kissed her cheek.

" not pretty. Beautiful " i told her. She smiled at me and gestured for me to pick her up. I picked her up and rested her on my hip.

" mamas pretty too " I smiled and kissed her cheek.

" thank you sunshine. Now... wanna go see Uncle Fred and Uncle George? " she shook her head.

" no! " she shouted.

" okay do you want to see Grandpa? "

" no! "

" where do you want to go? " I asked. " you don't want to stay inside all day do you? "

" dada! " I smiled.

" you my daughter are a genius " she squealed before I disapparated.

" my tum-tum hurts " she muttered. I nodded.

" I'm sorry sunshine " I kissed the top of her head and set her down. I grabbed her hand. " now let's go see dada "


" happy birfday dada! " Angelica exclaimed two and a half months later. I set her on Cedric's bed and she handed me the drawing she made for Cedric.

" happy birthday babe " I kissed Cedric's cheek.

" does dada like my picture? " Angie asked.

" I'm positive he does " I told her. She smiled and hugged Cedric, giving him a slobbery kiss on the cheek. Daphne, Amos and I laughed. " hey Amos. "

" Hayden dear. How are you? " he asked hugging me.

" tired. Very tired " he chuckled.

" that's what it's like being a parent. Except you're a nineteen year old raising a one year old on your own. You know what that means? "

" my hair will be gone by the time in twenty? "

" that's next week so probably not. What I meant is that you are truly a saint " I chuckled and watched Angelica play peek a boo with Cedric. Or at least attempt to.

" it's nothing " I told him. He shook his head.

" I struggled keeping my sanity with Cedric and that was when his mother was taking care of him. Angelica is more energetic than her father ever was at that age " I chuckled and nodded. " Cedric was rarely energetic "

" he always was around me " I noted.

" that's because he's fancied you since the day you met " I smiled.

" I wish I had known longer. "

" yeah but if you had when you didn't feel the same you might've rejected him. Then you wouldn't have that little goofball " he gestured to Angelica who now was poking Cedric all over his face.

" yeah she is a little stinker. But I love her " he nodded.

" everyone loves her " he noted. I smiled at her. " I can watch her one night if you'd like "

" yes please! " I shouted. He chuckled. " would next Monday work? "

" of course dear. " I smiled. We both looked at Angelica. " I like her hair by the way. "

" thanks. She saw a picture of my blue hair and wanted to 'be like mama' so we used muggle kool-aid to dye the ends of our hair. "

" neat. I've always liked your blue hair "

" so did Cedric "


" aaaaaand she's asleep " I nodded. " want me to take her home? "

" yeah... thanks Daph " I kissed Angelica on the forehead and watched as they disapparated. I sighed heavily and laid down beside Cedric. " hey sweetie. I love you. Happy birthday "

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