Chapter 63:) Freds my emotional support

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After about thirty minutes I still couldn't get back to sleep. I was lightly crying on Fred's chest. Somehow he managed to stay awake as I cried.

So he was humming softly to soothe me. And so far... it's working. But tears were still falling.

" come here " he grabbed my hand and led me downstairs. He sat me on the floor in front of the couch and sat behind me. I felt him start tugging at my hair.

" wh-what're you d-doing? " I sniffled.

" plaiting your hair. I used to plait Ginny's all the time and it always calmed her down when she was upset. Granted she has never been in your situation and hopefully never will be but still... it calmed her down " I smiled and sighed.

" thanks Freddie " I whispered. He nodded. At least I think he did. I couldn't really see him.

" just..... think of happy things. Happy memories " I frowned.

" all of my happy memories are with Cedric " I stopped myself.

" there's got to be one happy memory that doesn't involve Cedric. You've lived without him for five and a half years. "

" four and a half " I corrected. He softly kicked my leg. " fine! Um... "

" HAPPY BIRTHDAY HAYDEN! " Lily cried as I blew out my candles.

" Cake! " Daphne yelled. I gave her my slice of cake.

" no no sweetie that's your slice. " lily said.

" why can't I share?!?! " I asked. Lily's smile faltered while James' grew.

" Sharing is caring " uncle James said. Aunt Lily grabbed her fork and wiped frosting on my uncles nose. Daphne and I giggled at this silly sight.

Uncle James didn't wipe the frosting off his nose. He did try licking it off making Daphne and I giggle even more. Lily laughed and bent over to kiss her him, getting frosting on her face too. Daphne and I both groaned in disgust.

We all are the cake noisily. We couldn't shut up. Daphne and I copied James and had frosting on our noses. Lily was trying to feed Harry to no avail.

He kept on throwing the cake at the walls. Trying as in he hit James one time.

" my fourth birthday party. Just those ten minutes... it was a blast " I sighed.

" tell me about it " Fred whispered.

" well... I was at the Potters house. I gave Daphne my piece of cake but aunt lily told me it was mine. I asked why I couldn't share. James loved that. Lily had been proven wrong by a four year old and that just... made his day. Lily squished cake on his nose. He tried licking it off but he couldn't reach.

" lily kissed him. Daphne and I were disgusted by that. Cooties in our minds. " he chuckled. I did too " we all were talking and eating cake.

" lily tried to feed Harry but he kept on throwing the cake. One time he managed to hit uncle James. But after that... " I stopped talking. Tears were building up again.

" after that? " Fred urged.

" I lost them all " I sighed. Tears started falling. He sighed.

" I have a happy memory for you. Remember when we first met? " I chuckled and nodded.

" that was the most awkward hug ever " I remembered. He nodded.

" I remembered George leaned over and whispered that he was gonna and I quote 'marry that girl some day'. Even from age three he fancied you " I chuckled.

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