Chapter 83:) First birthday

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" Hayden stop crying! "

" my baby girl is one! " I sobbed watching Angelica dig into her birthday pancakes Daphne made.

" Daph you're bathing her. " Fred exclaimed pulling me to his side. Daphne scowled. " you're the one who decided to give her pancakes "

" it's a tradition! On my first birthday I got pancakes, on Haydens first birthday she got pancakes, on Harry's first birth- "

" we got it " George interrupted. Her scowl was visible until he kissed her forehead, making it disappear and hide in a grin.

I sat down beside Angelica and watched her try to feed herself the cut up pancake bites.

" mama! " she thrust the baby fork towards me. I took it and got a bite of pancake on it.

" ready Angie? Here it comes! VRROOOooooooommmm " she opened wide as I put the fork and pancake in her mouth. She smiled and signed thank you. " you're welcome. Thank you for being polite! "

She decided to lean her head over to try and give me cuddles, making everyone laugh.

" thank you darling. Okay... what do you say we get you washed up and then we can go see Grampa and Daddy? " Angelica started happily screaming. Fred quickly covered her mouth.

" shush! " he exclaimed. She shoved his hand off and continued eating. Fred then knelt beside me on the ground.

" are you coming to the hospital with us? " I asked the three of them.

" if you want us to then sure " Daphne muttered with a mouth full of pancakes.

" Daph Daph! " Angie squealed.

" she wants you to come " George muttered.

" Angie can you say 'George'? " I asked.

" geor " that's the closest she's ever gotten. " FWED! "

" WHAT! " he exclaimed copying her tone. She thrust the fork towards him and opened her mouth. " ready? VRROOOoooooo- uh oh! Detour! "

He changed the course of the fork from Angelica's mouth to his mouth. She hit his arm.

" hey! You do not hit! " I snapped. She whimpered. " say you're sorry to Fred. "

" I sorry fweddie " she murmured, laying her head on his hand.

" it's okay munchkin " she continued eating.

Soon we all got ready to go to the hospital. Daphne bathed Angelica with the help of George while I did my hair and makeup.

" aren't you a sight for sore eyes? " I blushed as I saw Fred in the mirror.

" hi " I mumbled.

" hi " he came in and sat on my desk chair.

" so I was wondering... should we bring Angie's gifts to the hospital so she can open them in front of Cedric or to the Burrow tonight for her birthday dinner? " I asked slipping my feet in my boots.

" why don't you have her open your gift at the hospital then the rest at the Burrow " I nodded. " what'd you get her? "

" you'll have to wait and see " he groaned and pulled me towards him. I landed on his lap.

" please " he begged. I shook my head, brushing hair out of his face.

" nope " I said popping the p. He frowned as I kissed his nose. " poor baby " He rolled his eyes while I stood up. " come on. Let's go " I held my hand out for him. He grabbed it and pulled himself up.

I Love You Idiot!Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ