Chapter 8:) Ridiculus

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We walked History of Magic and looked at the seating chart Professor Binns has put out. I was in front of Fred behind Lee and in between Cedric and George.


Honestly I didn't even want to be near George right now. Especially because on the other side of him was Angelina.

" come on. You'll be fine " Cedric said placing his hand in the small of my back and leading me to my seat. Fred was already in his seat.

I saw George and Lee talking by the door.

" Hayden are you okay? " Fred asked. He stood up and hugged me. I shrugged. " I'm sorry my brother is such an ass hat "

" I'll be fine. I have plenty of men in my life. I could do without one for a while. " he chuckled and let go of me.

" build a wall. " he instructed pointing his finger at me. I closed my eyes and sighed.

" I'm building a wall " I said in a calm tone.

" who can get through the wall? " he asked.

" my friends. " I said.

" who can't get through the wall? " he asked.

" your ass hat of a brother " I told him in a calm tone. He chuckled.

" that's my girl " I opened my eyes and smiled at him. He playfully hit my arm and sat down. I followed his movements and sat in my seat.

" so what other classes do we have together? " Cedric asked pulling out his timetable. I pulled mine out too.

" um... history, Transfiguration, herbology YES! I need you in that class. And defense against the dark arts. Oh and potions but only on Wednesday's. " he nodded and we first bumped.

" ready to wreak havoc? " he asked.

" hell yeah! " I said. He chuckled as the bell rang.

George and Dreads took their seats and Professor Binns started teaching. About fifteen minutes into the lesson a slip of paper floated on my desk.

I'm sorry about earlier, it read.

are you?

I threw it back at George who hurried and scribbled a response. He folded it back up and placed it on my desk again.

yes I am. I really like you Hayden

That pissed me off.

sucks for you. I only go out with blokes that don't act like pricks, and threw it back at him.

As I threw it back at him a paper came on my desk from my right side.

I opened it up and saw a tic tac toe board. There was an x in the middle square.

I chuckled and marked an o in the top left hand corner of the game. I folded it up and tossed it back to Cedric. I soon as it was gone George's paper landed on my desk.

it was an accident

I drew a little picture of me rolling my eyes in response.

yeah I call BS. You could've ignored Angelina.

And tossed it back.

Cedric's paper was back. There was an x right next to my o and above his last x.

I took my quill and drew an o on the top right corner and tossed it back to him.

I'm sorry. cute drawing by the way

I Love You Idiot!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora