Shannon & Her Vampire BFs

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I actually just thought of this one!!

Pairing: TerrorKairiSnuckel

Anyway enjoy and I hope you like it!!


Shannon gets in from work, really tired from working today. She puts the car keys down on the table by the door. Shannon sighs as she heads over to the fridge to make herself a sandwich when she feels cold breath on her neck.

"Hello, Brock... Brian!!" Shannon says

"Hello our little human lover!!" They say

Yes, Shannon was dating Two Vampires by the names of Brian and Brock. They met when Shannon was at a bar and got to drunk to drive home, so they drove her home and the three kinda clinked after that. They just wish she wouldn't slave away her life at her job, she almost look like a zombie Everytime she came home from work. She always tells them that it's a part a life and bills have to be paid on time in order to keep lights and stuff on!! She gets done with her sandwich and makes her a glass of milk with chocolate Ovaltine (I drink the shit out of this stuff as a kid!!! And I still do!!!) And heads for her shared bedroom. Her boyfriends slept in coffins in the corner of the room while she slept in a nice soft bed with dark green covers and black pillows!!! She gets under the covers and turns on her tv and watches a movie. Her boyfriends join her in the bedroom and got on each side of Shannon. They kinda wished to turned Shannon but she wants to wait until she gets enough money saved so she didn't have to work to death all the time!! She got done with her Ovaltine and takes it back to the kitchen to put it into the sink when she cuts herself on a sharp knife.

"Ouch!!!" She screams

The two Vampires came running to the sound of her screams.

"What's the matter, Baby??" Brock asked

"Stay back, I cut myself and there is blood involved I don't want you two to go crazy like the last time!!!" Shannon says as she goes to find a bandaid

She returns and see her boyfriends with lust in their eyes, she whimpers as they bite her on the neck and they drew blood.

"Brian!! Brock!!! Control yourself!!" Shannon says

All of a sudden, she is in pain and it was coming from her neck. She starts to feel strange and she feels fangs growing in her mouth.

"Why have you done this?" Shannon says

"Because, we were tired of seeing you looking like a zombie Everytime you came home from work babe and now you don't have to worry about getting cold, you are a vampire like us!!!" Brock says


Shannon locks her boyfriends in their coffins for causing her to be a Vampire now!!!


I hope you like it!!!

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