Investigator/Suspect AU

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Here is another request from LilSister8!!!! I hope you like it and Enjoy!!!!

Pairing: Terrorsnuckel


Brian Hanby stares down at the opened File case that was just handed to him by his boss, Evan Fong. So far the case looked very disgusting, the pictures of the victims were very gross looking. Why in the hell would anyone do this to people? Brian let's out a sigh and the only led on the case was a guy named Brock Snuckel, because he was the last one that had seen this family alive before they died. He gets on the phone to call Brock and see if he could come to the police station. Brock agrees to meet him at the police station..


Brian walks into the room where Brock and stops. This guy had dark brown hair and green eyes. He looked a little bit taller than Brian.  Brock looks up at Brian and smiles.

"You must be Brian Hanby!!" Brock says in a strange tone

"Yes, I am and I'm here to ask you a few questions about this case." Brian says putting a case file down in front of Brock.

"You're were the last person to see them alive. So did you do it, Brock?" Brian asked

"No, Sir I did not." Brock says

"Are you sure?" Brian says

"Positive!" Brock says

"Did you happen to see anyone sneaking around at the time of the murder?" Brian asked

"No, sir. I was only over there for dinner because they wanted me to come and eat with them." Brock says

"So, you saw nothing after you left that evening?" Brian says

"Nope." Brock says

Brian wasn't so sure about Brock telling the truth about this murder. Brock was way to calm about all this. Brian let's Brock go but Brian follows shortly after he leaves the station. Brock gets into his green car and drives off while Brian gets into his blue car and follows him but not too close, so Brock doesn't suspected nothing. After driving for a about 30 minutes, Brock drives into a abandoned old Building. Brian hides his car behind some tall bushes and gets out quitely and watches Brock go into the old Building without notice Brian watching him. After a few minutes, Brian gets the courage to go into the old Building to see where Brock went. The smell got Brian's nose when he walked in, it smelled awful in this building. He sees a door not too far from where Brian and he decides to look inside the room, unaware that he was walking right into. Brock's trap that he had laid out for the cute Irishman. Brian walks and sees that this is a torture room and had sex toys laying on the table next to him. Just then the door slams shut and gets locked. Brian turns and sees Brock standing there with a smirk on his face. Brian walks backwards as Brock walks towards him. Brian's back hits the wall and Brock keeps him pinned to the wall.

"So you figure me out didn't you, Brian!~" Brock says with lust in his voice

Brian tries to make a run for it but he gets hit in the head and blacks out. Brock gets to work on getting Brian Bound and gagged. He ties his hands together behind him. Brock takes Brian's pants and underwear off. Then Brock ties his feet together. And he also puts a blue ball gag in between those plumped lips of Brian's. Brock takes Brian over to the tiny bed in the corner of the room and lays him down on it. And now Brock has to wait for Brian to wake up....


Brian wakes up feeling uncomfortable for some reason. He opens his eyes and sees Brock standing there by the bed with that same smirk on his face. Brian tries to move but he can't because his hand were tied behind him and his feet were tied as well. Brian also feels a gag in his mouth, so there was no use in trying to scream it would come out as moans and grunts.

"Look at you, all tied up and no where to go!~" Brock says

"Mpf!!~" Brian grunts out

Brock starts taking his clothes off and Brian's eyes get wide at how "big" Brock was! Brian whimpers as Brock pulls him up and onto his big cock. Brian whines as the cock goes deep within him. Brock puts his hand around Brian's cock and starts stroking him.

"You ready to have some fun!~" Brock says

Brian shakes his head 'NO' but Brock has fun anyway with him. Brian cums into Brock's hand after a few minutes of stroking him. Brock licks the cum off of his hand. Brian whines behind the gag in his mouth. Brock pushes Brian down on the bed with Brian's ass in the air.

"Has anyone ever told you that you have a bubbly ass?~" Brock says

"Mmmmpf!!~" Brian whines

Brock positions himself and pushes into Brian, who grunts in pain as The Killer Fucks him nice and hard. Brock didn't last long as he cums inside of Brian. The Irishman goes limp as Brock slides out of him.

"I'm going to keep you as my little prize and nobody can have you!!~" Brock says

Brian whines as Brock leaves him tied up and gagged on the bed and walks of the room. No one knew where Brian had went after that and nobody never really looked into it, thinking that he had just moved away or something. But in reality, Brian became Brock's little Prize!!!


I hope you guys like it!!

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