Warm Bodies AU

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LilSister8 and myself came up with this idea!! This is Kinda like Warm Bodies but the smutty version though!! Anyway hope you guys like it!


Bottom Brian!!!


It finally happened... The Zombie Apocalypse.. It was a scary time for everyone, people losing their families to deadly diseases and now there was several people still roaming around trying to survive this and one person was Brian Hanby or better known as  The Gaming Terroriser on YouTube when it was around before all this happened. Brian was running from a group of zombies, they were very slow. But there was some that were very fast for him. He hides in a old Book store in the back of it. He holds his breathe hoping that the zombies don't get in.



Brian sees some runners in the front of the book store. He was in the corner and the runners see and start coming closer to him. He had axe ready, but he was whimpering slightly. One was about to bite into him when...


Brian opens his eyes and he knew that voice from somewhere because it sound familiar. He noticed the Sunset shirt and blue pants, It was Brock!!


The runners run off in search of something else. The Zombie turns and sees Brian.

"Brian... Mine... Must... Make...him... Mine..." Brock says in a zombie like tone.

Brock gets closer to Brian and kisses him on the lips. Brian melts into the kiss as zombie Brock grinds up against Brian. This cause the human to moan into the kiss. Brian feels Brock's hands go behind and squeezes Brian's ass cheeks. They pull away from the kiss. Brock takes Brian's clothes and pushes the Irishman up against the wall with his ass out.

"You... Belong .... To.... Me!!!" Brock says

"I'm yours Brock!!" Brian grunts

Brian hears Brock taking off his clothes behind him. Brock presses up against Brian. The Irishman feels his hard on and whines. Brock somewhat smirks at this reaction and pushes inside of Brian. And then he does the unthinkable, Brock Bites Brian on the neck!! The human screams as he feels the bite on his neck and he feels something change within him. Brock keeps thrusting harder and faster into Brian while the human is slowly turning. They both cum at the same time. Brock pulls out of  Brian and helps him clean up. Brock looks at Brian and sees him slowly changing into a zombie and his color stayed the same blue color. Brock's eyes didn't change either unlike all the other zombies. Brock was a special type of zombie and now so was Brian. Brock kisses Brian on the lips again and the new zombie wraps his arms around Brock. Now they could be a zombie couple and eat all the brains and human flesh they want to!!!


Hope you like it!!

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