Teacher/Student AU

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LilSister8 asked for this AU hope u like it :3


Brian shyly walks into his new High School looking for the main office. He finds it and gets his schedule and it reads

English _ Mr. Wildcat
Science_ Mr. H20 Delirious
Us History_Mr. Vanoss
Art_ Mr. Moo Snuckel
Reading_ Mr. Miniladd
Math_Mr. Cartoonz

He heads for his locker and unlocks it with code and locks it back and heads to his first class.. hoping it wasn't bad...

~Time Skip~

The day was great, the teachers were nice but Wildcat had a potty mouth though. But other than that it was great. He was heading to his last class of the day. He walks and his heart stops, Brian sees a handsome man with Brown eyes and red/Brown hair. He was at the desk when the Teacher noticing Brian staring. The Teacher introduce himself as Luke or Cartoonz. And told Brian where to sit at...

~ a few months Later ~

Brian had gotten all good grades except math. He hated math and he needed help with his math grade. At first Brian had asked one of his new friends and they told Brian to ask Mr. Luke about tators. One day after class was over and everyone left, Brian had went up to Mr. Cartoonz desk.

"Mr. Cartoonz, sir I was wondering if you could help improve my math grade I have trouble with math and everyone told me to ask you about it." Brian says shyly

Cartoonz looks at the cute Irish boy and goes hard instantly. Brian was so cute when he asked stuff shyly.

"How about tomorrow, we start Tutoring after school." Luke says

Brian heads out to go home and leaves Luke with a "Huge" problem in his pants.

Brian comes to school the next day with a smile on his face. He finally gets to spend time with his favorite teacher after school. He was also nervous as well, anyway​, Brian had to class and thoughts on his mind.

~ After School ~

Brian takes his other books to his locker and goes back to his Math class. Everybody was gone including the other teachers. So it was just Brian and Luke. Luke closes the door and he locks it without Brian hearing it. They were at one of the tables in the room. They sat there talking about the problems that Brian was having trouble with and Luke looks down at Brian and saw a tent forming in Brian's pants and he smirks evily. He was standing above Brian, so the boy didn't see the smirk. Brian was solving a problem when he feels a hand on his covered cock and rubs it.

"Mr. Cartoonz what are you doing~!?!?" Brian whimpers

"Helping you with your math problem. You plus Me equals a good time." Luke says nibbling on Brian's ear.

Luke pulls Brian from his  and blends him over the table and takes Brian's clothes off as well as his. Luke grabs lube from his desk and pours some in his hand and puts his fingers into the lube and puts them inside of Brian. While  Luke put the rest of the lube on his big dick. Luke hits a certain spot and Brian cums on the table. Luke takes his fingers out and lines himself up with Brian's ass and pushes inside. The younger male starts moaning and groaning as His Teacher thrusted into him at a fast rate. Brian moans as Luke cums inside of him. Luke pulls out with a "pop". He helps Brian clean up their mess and spray the room, so it wouldn't​ smell like sex in there.

From there on, Brian kept going to Tutoring everyday and was getting good grades in math and he was very happy and loved tutoring with Mr. Cartoonz. Even though his ass as sore all the time....


Wow XD lol hope you guys like it!!

Terrorsnuckel/Other Pairings yaoi One shots & AU Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora