The Little Merman

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This chapter is kinda base on the little mermaid but different. Hope you like it.
And oh Brian is Ariel and Brock is Ursula. I'm so evil love you guys.


It was a beautiful day under the sea. But it was a little too quiet though. Suddenly you see a young merman with a baby blue tail. This was Brian and he was the son of Delirious and Vanoss and Cartoonz. Their only son and child. But sadly though, humans took Delirious away from Vanoss and Cartoonz. Anyway, Brian was heading to his secret hideout, that his father's didn't know about. He hated keeping secrets from both dad's but they would be mad if he told them.

"My parents would never understand. But my dad Delirious would he loved collecting stuff. I miss him so much." Brian says out loud

He wasn't like other merpeople, he would explore ships. Delirious always told him, to do whatever you want in life. But when Delirious died everything changed and his parents were every strict about what he does.

"Oh shit, I need to head back to the palace before they get mad at me for being late again for supper." Brian says

He swims towards the palace, unaware of brown eyes watching him in the shadows.


"Dad's I'm sorry, Cipher was talking to me and Los track of time. But you how Cipher is." Brian says

"It's okay our son. You are not really late." Vanoss says

"Supper will be ready in a few minutes,why don't you go to your room until we call for you?" Cartoonz says

Brian swims up to his room and opens the door. It was a small room, but Brian liked it. He noticed a note on his desk. It reads

"You are so beautiful from afar. Those blue eyes shines like the moon up in the sky. I wish I could kiss those lips of yours. Hey why don't you sneak out tonight after everybody goes to bed to finally meet me. Meet by your secret hideout​."

Yours truly,

Brian had been getting strange notes from a stranger. He never tells his parents because he was starting to have feelings for this person. Anyway, Brian hears his parents calling for him and he heads to the dining room to eat.


Brian checked to make sure his parents were asleep and heads out without the guards seeing him. He didn't know why but he kinda had a bad feeling about this meeting up with a stranger he didn't even know. He looked around and nobody was there. He turned around to go back to the palace, when he bumped into someone. It was Sea wizard, Brock. He knew it was a trap, he tried to swim away but one of Brock's tentacles grabs his tail.

"Let me go!!" Brian yells

"Never... Now for part two of my plan. " Brock says

"What do you want with me!?!" Brian says struggling in the tentacles.

"To be my little queen and rule the seas with me! Now this is the part where you be silent." Brock says putting a starfish over Brian's mouth and his eels wrapped themselves around him.

"Mmmmmmmph!!" Brian screams

"Don't worry I'm not going to hurt you unless you are into that kind of thing. Now I have work to do." Brock says knocking Brian out with magic.

*The Next day at the Palace*

Vanoss and Cartoonz were looking everywhere for their son. They had been woke up by one of the maids who was supposed to wake up their boy.

"Brian never leaves during the night. He is a good kid." Vanoss says

Cartoonz remained quiet but he was pacing around the room. When I thought hit him.

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