Voodoo dolls

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Another idea for me and H2Ocosmicpsycho hope you guys like it!!

Pairings: TerrorCipherSnuckel, RubyWild,  KayleeLadd, H2OCosmicVanoss and TaylorWrecker!!

Shannon's doll

Shannon's doll

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Taylor's doll

Cosmic's doll

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Cosmic's doll

Cosmic's doll

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Ruby's doll

And Kaylee's doll

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And Kaylee's doll

And Kaylee's doll

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Ever since Cosmic and her friends moved into the mansion in the big town. They meet some guys by names of :Jonathan, Evan, Brian, Brock, Tyler, Ryan and Craig. At first the friendship between them was great but it started to turn strange. The guys started acting weird around the girls. But what the girls didn't know was that the guys were powerful evil witch doctors.


Cosmic's POV

Shannon sips on her hot tea. She was first one to started acting weird. She would go on walks by herself without telling friends. Somehow, she started talking in tongues and her friends were really worried about her. They had called a local doctor and she came to check on her, but Shannon acted violent towards the doctor and she was floating in the air without knowing how she did it. The next day she doesn't remember anything at all. Shannon would hear whispers of

We love you, Shannon!


Taylor was next one. She was normally hyper and happy, but she was quite and she too went on walks as well along with Shannon on those walks. They would return without a word to their friends and head upstairs without eating food. Taylor then started acting out by yelling and screaming in tongues and hitting the walls in her room. Cosmic, Ruby and Kaylee were worried about Shannon and Taylor. In all their lives they never acted this way, they were sweet and innocent girls until all this happen. But it was the same, Taylor and Shannon wouldn't remember anything that happened the previous day.

I'm always watching you, Taylor!


And then my friend, Ruby started acting the same as well. She would throw things at us and cuss in tongues. She would storm away from me and Kaylee. And then would go on walks with Shannon and Taylor without a word and come back in the middle of the night. This was started to scary me and Kaylee. I called the doctor again and from what she said, our friends were being controlled by a strong force of some kind and they needed to protect our friends as best we could...

I love your rage, Ruby!


And Kaylee starts to act like them, she would start talking to herself and always talked back. She would stay in her room and I went into her room one day and she was upside down in the air. This scariest me. All of my friends were turning into something completely different and I sat on the couch and cried my eyes out...

You have calmness within you, Kaylee!


And now, I was acting crazy and I couldn't control my body anymore. I was stuck in my own mind while my body moved on its own.. This was madnass!!!

You will be ours very soon, Cosmic!

Nobody's POV

One day the girls return to their normal selves and don't remember what happened all those days ago. But they noticed that the guys started to come back around them again. Shannon, Brian, and Brock were out in the backyard laying on the grass looking up at the stars. She soon falls asleep, all thanks to Brock spell on her and they carried her to the mansion. Cosmic, Evan and Jonathan were in the living room watching when Evan pushes her down and puts a hand over her mouth, she struggles but then Jonathan takes the voodoo doll and she lost control of her body and blacks out. Taylor were in the kitchen talking at the dinning table. Without Taylor knowing, Ryan puts a sleeping pill into her drink and she soon starts to feel really tired all of a sudden. Kaylee and Craig were up in her room talking when he pushes her up against and knocks her out with one blow to the head. And Ruby was being chased by Tyler, then she falls to the floor, with no control of her body and blacks out.


"No, Please don't do this!! I thought we were friends, Brian....Brock!!" Shannon screams as the two boys get closer to her with a sewing needle.

"We are but you are going to be our new voodoo doll, Baby!" Brian says

"This won't hurt a bit!" Brock says


"No, don't hurt me!!" Cosmic says
Squirming on the stone table.

"You won't feel any pain at all!" Evan says

"We love you Cosmic and want make you ours!" Jonathan says


"Ryan, please!! Can't we talk about this!!" Taylor screams as she feels the needle go into her skin.

"It won't hurt at all if you lay there and be pretty !!" Ryan says


"You are going to be pretty when I get done with you, Kaylee!!" Craig says


"It's almost over, stay still!!" Tyler says


The voodoo doctors casted many spells on their newest dolls and the spells always stop them for bleeding and could move around. Shannon's mouth was sealed shut and so were her eyes. She had buttons for eyes but could see for some reason. Brian and Brock had put Shannon in a cute little green dress and she wore no shoes. The other girls were just like Shannon but wore different colored dress and also no shoes. Shannon sees her friends and runs over to them and starts crying even though there was tears at all. Overtime, the girls got used to being the Witch Doctors little voodoo dolls...

I hope you guys like it!!!

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