Our Baby Boy!!!

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My friends: LilSister8 & madhatter445 help me with this idea!!! Thank you girls :3




Luke's Point of view

Me and my lover watch as a new neighbor moves in next door to us. He was beautiful 18 years old and had sandy brown hair and blue eyes. We had to have him for our own!!! So we decided to go and greet him like normal Neighbors do... But we weren't normal at all... We were crazy killers...


Brian's Point Of View

I was carrying things into my new house, I just moved out of my parents after I Graduated to go to College. I see two guys walking up to my house.

"Hello, new neighbors!" I say with a smile on my face.

"My name is Luke and this is my boyfriend, Jonathan. Welcome to the Neighbor!!" Luke says shaking my hand.

"You want us to help with you anything at all? We don't mind to help you!" Jonathan says with a strange smile on his face.

I couldn't just say no to them, so I told them to help me and in return they would cook me dinner for the night. They helped me set up things like my bed, the TV, and all other things like that. They walked me over to their next, which was next to mine. They had a decent house nothing special. Me and Jonathan sat on the couch while Luke cooked dinner.

Jonathan's Point of View

This young male is perfect for us!! He was kind, sweet and loves to talk about family. I loved everything about Brian. I stepped into the kitchen, where my boyfriend was at. I noticed that he put something in one of the plates of food, that meant it was for our new Baby Boy! I grabbed the plate and headed into the living to give the plate to Brian. Me and Luke sat across from him and smile as the young boy eats the food.

"This is some good food, Luke!" Brian says with a kind smile on his face.

"Yeah, Luke cooks better than I can!" Jonathan says

Nobody's Point of View

Brian stops eating when he starts to feel strange and unstable for some reason and then he knew what was happening and he couldn't do nothing because it starts to affect him and he passes out. Luke and Jonathan carry the passed out young male to their special room....


Brian wakes with a groan and noticed something was off, first off he couldn't move his arms or legs, Next there was something in his mouth and Lastly, he feels like he is wearing a onezie. He opens his eyes and sees Luke and Jonathan standing over him with smiles on their faces. Brian whimpers and struggles. He finally noticed that he was in baby clothes and was in huge crib!!

"Look our Baby boy is awake!" Luke says

"He looks mad!" Jonathan says

Damn right, Brian was pissed and if the pacifier wasn't in his mouth. He would be cussing them up a storm!!

"Maybe he is hungry! Luke go fix him a bottle of milk!! I'll stay and watched him!" Jonathan says

When Luke walked out the room, Jonathan smirks real big and starts rubbing Brian. He unzips the onezie and starts rubbing Brian, to which the young male starts to whimpering.

"Don't worry baby boy, Daddy's got you!!" Jonathan says laughing insanely.

Jonathan takes the diaper off and starts stroking Brian.

"You really started without me!!" Luke says

"Sorry babe but Baby Boy wanted attention, so I give it to him!!" Jonathan says

"Mmmmph!!" Brian cries out

"Our Baby boy wants us!!" Luke says

The two guys open up the crop and sat down on it. They pull down there pants and boxers. Brian whimpers and struggles as he sees this. Luke takes the onezie off and lines his cock up with Brian's hole and pushes inside. The younger male grunts at the feeling but he adjusted to. Jonathan puts his mouth on Brian's cock and sucks on it. Luke keeps thrusting in and out of Their bay boy and he cums as well as Brian. Luke pulls out of him and let's Jonathan have a go at him...

~A Few Months down the road~

Brian loved being their baby Boy. At first, Brian didn't like it but he started to enjoyed it. He was aloud to crawl around the house but he couldn't leave.

"Mama!! Dada!!" Brian says

"There is our baby boy!!" Luke says picking up Brian.

"Mama! I hungry!!" Brian whines

"You want some food?" Luke says as the young male nods yes.

Brian was happy to their baby!!


I hope you guys like it!!

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