Ballet Dance AU

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Me and LilSister8 were thinking and talking about this. She is a Great person and does her best to help me with these AUs. Thank you girl for being there to support me !!!

Anyway I hope you guys like this chapter :3


Brian staying late for ballet class to get extra practice... No to see his sexy Leader of the ballet class. Brian had a crush on Brock since he first started when he was 17 after he graduated high school. But Brian was a very shy when it came to talking with other people. He wasn't very popular in school so nobody knew him. He was practicing his dance moves that Brock showed them today when he the music stopped playing. Brian stops dancing and turns around. Brock was standing there leaning against the wall with a Sly smirk on his face. Brian's​ face get completely red and looks down.

"Why have you really been staying here after Classes, Brian?" Brock asked

"Because, I don't have nothing better to do at my house." Brian says stuttering badly.

"Oh really or is it that you like me, Brian?" Brock says in Brian's ear with hint of lust in it.

"No!!" Brian says

"You are lying to me, Brian!" Brock says

"No I'm not!!" Brian says

"Bullshit!!" Brock says

Brock places his hands on the wall to block Brian from going anywhere and looks at the young in front of him and then takes one of his hands and slowly moves it down Brian's body at a slow rate and He sees the younger male bite his lip to keep from whimpering. Brock's hand stop at Brian's obvious hard on.

"So, you do have a thing for me?" Brock says

"Stop it, please~" Brian whimpers

"Oh I'm not stopping until I'm ready to. Now strip for me, Brian!" Brock says demandingly

Brian takes his tutu off it falls to the floor. Brock turns Brian around to where his ass was in his view and grabs the Bubbly round ass of his and squeezes it. Brian grips the railing on the wall and grunts out.

"It sounds like you are enjoying this, Brian?" Brock says

"Please give me more, Brock!" Brian whines

Brock smirks and wets his fingers and puts them into Brian without warning and moves them around inside and hit nerves and makes Brian cum everywhere. Brian throws his head back in pleasure as Brock keeps moving his fingers around. Brian feels Brock takes his fingers out and hears Brock takes his clothes off and slides right into Brian without warning and the younger male whine at how big Brock was and adjusted to it and Brock started moving faster and harder. After a few minutes of thrusting, Brock cums inside of Brian. They both stood there and was looking at each other with smiles.

"You are really good at Dancing Brian but it needs work." Brock says getting dressed.

"Maybe go to your place and we practiced there?" Brian says teasingly

"That isn't a bad idea!" Brock says

And to this day Brian stayed after class to let Brock "Help" him with "Practicing". And needless to say that Brian was very sore but not from Practicing....


Hope you guys like this!!

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