Rapunzel AU

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H2Ocosmicpsycho helped me with this idea!! I hope you guys like it!!! Enjoy!!!

Pairing: TerrorSnuckel


Brian was happy, he had just done with going on a date with Brock. He sighed happily and headed up to his tower. Brian climbed up to the tower and he finally gets into his room.

"Where have you been?" Says a voice

Brian whimpers as his so called best friend, Tyler comes out of the shadows. He walks closer to Brian and grabs his chin and the poor Male whimpers.

"I thought you loved me Brian~" Tyler says

"I like you as a Friend, Tyler. Now let go of me!!" Brian says

"You are not going anywhere~" Tyler says grabbing Brian's wrists


Brock sighs happily as he heads for the Tower the next day with a smile on his face. He gets to the tower and looks up at the Window.

"Brian let your hair down!!" Brock says

The sandy brown hair flies out of the window. He climbs up the tower and finally got to the room but He sees Brian tied up and gagged on his bed. Brock walks over to Brian and helps him.

"Brock you have to leave, of he catches you up here, I'm gonna be in trouble!!!" Brian whimpers

"I will protect you from him!!" Brock says

Brock kisses Brian on the lips and they start to make out and Brock's hand rubs Brian's soft cock, Brian moans as Brock does this to him

"Please more Brock!!" Brian whines

Brock does this and goes to work on Brian...


A few months later

Brian sighs as happily him and Brock got married. He was away from Crazy Tyler but he wasn't safe for long... Brock had a meeting to go to since he was a king now and had important meetings to go to. Brian was in their bathroom getting ready when he feels a hand go over his mouth and Brian starts struggling.

"You really think you could get away from me~" Tyler says

Brian hits Tyler in the belly and runs out of the room to find Brock and he bumps into his husband.

"What's the matter, Brian?" Brock asked

"Tyler got into my room somehow!!" Brian whimpers

"Guards search the castle and find Tyler Wilde and put him in the dungeons!!" Brock says

Brock cancels all of his meetings to be with his little queen to calm  him down. They caught Tyler and put him into dungeons. Brock cuddles with Brian. They made out and it gets heated. Let's just say that it hot and heavy in their bedroom.....


Hope you guys like it!!!

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