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     SOKOVIA wasn’t much, Inez knew that. It didn’t matter to her though. It was home for Pietro and Wanda and now for her. She loved walking the streets with the twins, helping Pietro steal goods for the people living in the city. It stressed Wanda out when the two did this but she didn’t mind as much when they managed to find things for her such as jewelry or clothing. They mainly stole things such as medicine, food and clothing for those that couldn’t afford it as well as themselves.

Inez enjoyed helping the people of her best friend’s home. It made Pietro feel content seeing the looks on people’s faces as he passed out the things they needed. Seeing the boy with a gentle smile on his face made Inez think that everything she had gone through was worth it if it brought her to him.

The only part of her life she could genuinely remember was her time in the base but enduring the training, experiment, and lack of free will was worth it in her mind. She had Pietro by her side and that was what mattered to her.

Sure, she hated Strucker and the others for what they had done to not just her but the twins, treating them like they were less than human most of the time. They treated them horribly, saying horrible things about the three that Inez wished she could forget. She hated that she had no recollection of her life because of these men.

But she had Pietro who looked at her like she personally hung the stars in the sky for him. If she could and he asked her to, she would too.

She felt Pietro tug on her hand gently, making her look over at him with a smile. He pulled her closer to him, removing the hand that was holding hers in favor of wrapping his arm around her shoulders. He pressed a kiss to the girl’s temple as he led her down the street to meet Wanda. The pair had finished passing out the things they had stolen while Wanda walked around looking at the different booths of people selling things.

Inez looked to her right and saw a father pick up his daughter, tossing her over his shoulder. She felt a pang in her chest as she wished she could experience what that was like. Her mind flashed with what she thought could have been a memory if it weren’t for who was in it with her. The blonde man from the Avengers that she and Wanda attacked threw Inez over his shoulder and the two were laughing as if they knew each other.

The girl wondered why the man seemed so familiar to her. She wished for more than anything to remember her life before finding herself in the base.

She spent the next couple days pondering how her and the man could have crossed paths in her past but not having any memories really made things difficult. About two days after seeing the father and daughter, Inez stuck by Wanda’s side as Pietro passed out stolen goods. She just had a lot on her mind and wanted to try and clear it by taking a walk.

They walked around the market for a while, quietly chatting about the things they saw around the city. The two girls had their arms linked, Inez holding onto Wanda as she felt the material of her dress blow in the slight breeze. They made their way back to where they knew the Maximoff boy would be and stood at the back of the small crowd around him as he looked through the box, he had with him.

Pietro handed an elderly man a bottle of medicine, double checking that it was the prescription the man needed. He said something to the man that Inez couldn’t quite hear before moving back to the box of goods. He pulled out a soccer ball and handed it to a woman who seemed to be a few years older than Inez. Wanda tugged on Inez’s arm with the one that was linked with her own.

The pair walked around the crowd and toward the front where Pietro was.

“And this is not for your brother,” they heard the boy say as the pair began to near the Maximoff boy.

The girl began to decline the dress that Pietro was holding up, telling him it was too much.

“Is every girl in Sokovia getting a dress from Paris?” Inez asked the boy as she and Wanda walked past Pietro, side eyeing him as they did so.

“At least Nez’s looked warm,” Wanda said, turning her head to look at her brother. “Nez, what else do we need?”

Inez and Wanda continued walking away as they whispered quietly to each other about what they wanted to do for the rest of the evening. Pietro awkwardly smiled at the girl he had given the dress to before quickly walking off to catch up with Inez and Wanda. The two girls still had their arms linked until Pietro slid his way right between them and wrapped his arms around Wanda’s shoulders and Inez’s waist.

“You’re jealous you’re not getting a dress,” the boy said to Wanda as he looked over at her.

“You keep stealing, you’re going to get shot. Both of you,” the girl looked over at the pair, Pietro rolling his eyes, gaining a smack in the side from his sister. “I mean it. At speed nothing can touch you but standing still—”

Pietro quickly cut the girl off as he pulled away from her and Inez to face his sister.

“You think I want to be? You said wait. I’m waiting. I don’t know for what. We had Stark helpless. All these years—”

The boy was cut off by the girl that he had gifted the dress to minutes ago. She ran to a little boy, questioning where he had gone to. The three watched the interaction as the little boy responded to his sister while staring at the three.

“The man says you need to come to the church,” the boy told the siblings and Inez, the three looking between each other in confusion.

“What man?” Wanda asked as she stared down at the child.

“The iron man.”

Inez looked toward Pietro who looked between her and his sister. The trio walked away from the little boy and his sister, Pietro slipping his hand into Inez’s as he pulled her along. The girl followed behind the twins as they walked their way to the church the little boy spoke about.

The girl didn’t have a good feeling about what was to come but refrained from voicing her thoughts. She knew how much the twins wanted to get back at Tony Stark for the loss of their parents and didn’t want them to be upset with her over her not liking the idea.

As they approached the church, Inez felt the rush of little visions flooding her mind once again. It had been happening more often now that she was away from the base. She couldn’t tell if she was thankful for them or wanted them to stop completely. Part of her wondered if they were memories coming back to her. She hoped they were.

She saw an old man lying on the floor as well as herself standing next to him. She threw a ball of energy at the man and the floor shook and cracked under him as he took one last breath. Inez watched herself sniffle before turning to the other man and a red head woman in the room and saying that it had been her being nice.

Inez shook her head to try and clear the image but was thrown into another possible memory.
Inez was with the red-haired woman that she had attacked outside the base and she was teaching the girl different fighting moves. It looked like they were having fun which Inez envied. She wondered if this woman was her mother or at least a mother figure in Inez’s past. If she was, why did she let her get taken away? Had she given her away?

She had so many questions. They would have to wait though.

The three entered the church, Inez analyzing the room for any possible traps from behind the twins. She noticed a fire on the opposite side of the room and a figure sitting in a chair with a sheet covering his head and upper body.

“Talk,” Wanda demanded. “And if you are wasting our time—”

The sitting figure who Inez assumed was the iron man that the little boy spoke of interrupted the Sokovian girl.

“Did you know this church is in the exact center of the city? The elders decreed it so that everyone could be equally close to God. I like that. The geometry of belief.”

The voice of the man irked Inez. He didn’t quite sound human, almost as if he was a machine with human emotions. It was rubbing her the wrong way and she wasn’t sure she liked the direction the interaction was going. She squeezed Pietro’s hand and looked toward him, getting a reassuring nod in response.

“You’re wondering why you can’t look inside my head,” the man said in reference to Wanda causing Inez and Pietro to look toward the girl.

“Sometimes it’s hard,” Wanda replied as her gaze stayed on the man, her eyes slowly fading from crimson to their natural color. “But sooner or later every man shows himself.”

“Oh, I’m sure they do.”

The sitting figure stands, the sheet falling off of his body. The three see that he is not Tony Stark like the twins thought. He is in fact a metal machine of a man. His eyes shined red and it terrified Inez. She didn’t like where this was going and she wanted out. Wanda stepped back slightly as she took in the sight of the thing and Pietro stared in shock.

“But you needed something more than a man,” the robot says as the three teenagers begin to get over their shock. “That’s why you let Stark take the scepter.”

Pietro and Inez move to stand closer to Wanda as the metal man walks down the steps and in the direction of the three.

“I didn’t expect,” Wanda trails off as the metal figure stops in front of her before continuing. “But I saw Stark’s fear. I knew it would control him. Make him self-destruct.”

Inez’s hand gripped Pietro’s in her own, as the robot began to speak again. She knew this wouldn’t end well, she just didn’t know what and why. The twins listened intently to the metal man while Inez pretended to. She was trying to think of ways to get herself and the twins out of this but she didn’t have any solutions.

“Is that why you’ve come?” Wanda asked as she stared at the thing. “To end the Avengers?”

Inez for some reason felt that this would be a bad thing. For some reason these so-called Avengers kept appearing in her mind in possible memories and she wanted to know why. If they ended the Avengers, she would never get the answers she so desperately desired.

“I’ve come to save the world,” the robot responded. “But also…yeah.”

This wouldn’t end well. Inez was calling it now.

okay please ignore
the fact that it took
me days to realize
i published the
wrong chapter...
i feel so stupid.
anyway hope you
enjoyed this
chapter sorry for
the inconvenience :(

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