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     ALL of the residents of the Weasley household were up early the morning of September first. They had many things to do and Inez decided it was best to get everything she needed ready before doing anything up or down the stairs to avoid the traffic on the staircase. She packed her trunk and got dressed in Ginny’s room while the younger girl left to get the two some toast for their breakfast.

About an hour after they had woken up, the group made their way out to the car and began to load their trunks into the boot of the car. Mr. Weasley almost tripped over one of the chickens as he hauled Ginny’s trunk to the car which made Molly panic for a moment. When it came time for everyone to get into the car, Inez sat between the twins who were in between Ron and Percy with Harry on the other side of Ron. They fit just slightly squished in the back seat of the Ford Anglia while Molly, Arthur, and Ginny sat in the front. Lady Loki, Inez’s cat, sat on her lap and unlike normal she was giving the twins the cold shoulder.

They quickly left the house but ended up going back three times as George had left his box of Filibuster fireworks, Fred forgot his broomstick, and Ginny forgot her diary. By the time they had finally left the house for good, they were running late. Arthur tried to get Molly to let him use the car’s flying setting along with the invisibility booster so that no one saw them. In the end Arthur lost and they simply drove to King’s Cross Station.

It was a quarter to eleven when the large group arrived at the train station. Mr. Weasley quickly rushed to get trolleys for the kids’ luggage while the rest of them worked on hauling their trunks from the boot of the car. Inez held Loki in her arms as she curled into the brunette’s arms. Once they all had their luggage on the trolleys, the group quickly ran to the platforms.

Percy went first with Mr. Weasley following after him. Inez went at the same time as the twins did, Lady Loki sitting on her trunk. As the three rushed over to where Arthur and Percy were, Inez had to run to keep up with the twins' long strides. She was glad that she was able to catch her breath quickly as they waited for Molly and the other three to catch up.

Molly and Ginny were quick to catch up but Harry and Ron never made it to the group. The kids had to get on the train quickly as they had one minute until the train departed from the station.

“Don’t worry Molly. They probably just got straight on the train when they came through the barrier,” Inez assured the Weasley’s once they were leaning a window, talking to the couple.

“You’re probably right dear. Now you all have fun this year but I don’t want any letters home from any of you. You hear me?” Molly said as she stared directly at the twins.

The twins gave their mom a smile as the train whistle went off. Molly and Arthur quickly said goodbye to the kids as the train slowly began to pull out of the station. Gradually the train gained speed the farther that it got from the station.

“Now what shall we do this time?” Inez asked as she looked at the twins. 

The pair grinned as they quickly rushed off to find Lee. Inez rolled her eyes at them before turning to Ginny and smiling at her.

“Let’s make you some friends,” the brunette said as she grabbed the ginger’s hand and dragged her down the train.

After Ginny became acquainted with some other first years, Inez ran off to find the twins and Lee. She searched the different compartments and finally found the three boys. Opening the compartment door, Inez flopped down next to Lee and groaned.

“What’s got our girl all upset?” Lee asked as he gave the girl a faux pout.

“Be quiet,” Inez glared. “Just those two prats left poor Ginny all alone so I decided to help her make friends. Some of those first years are real jerks.”

“What’d they say?” George sat up as he asked the question, looking directly at the brunette.

“Just some prejudiced kids who are prats. Nothing I’m not used to,” Inez shrugged as she scratched behind Lady Loki’s ears. “Some of them knew about New York and called me a freak. It could have been worse.”

Inez held onto her cat as she tried to run out the open compartment door. The brunette reprimanded the feline and closed the door.

“Which compartment were the kids in?” George asked as he stood up from his seat.

“I don’t remember and besides it's not important. I just want to relax with you guys and relish in our last moments of freedom,” Inez said as he looked up at George.

The boy begrudgingly sat back down and crossed his arms. Inez told him to stop pouting as she pulled out a pack of Exploding Snap and tossed it to the boy.

“Let’s play losers.”

The entirety of the train ride to Hogwarts, no one had seen Ron or Harry. Hermione had stopped by the compartment the twins, Lee, and Inez were in asking if they had seen the two second year boys. Inez began to worry now that Hermione hadn’t seen them either. She looked out for them as her and the boys got onto their carriage to take them to the castle.

“Okay I’m starting to actually get worried,” Inez sighed as she looked at the carriage behind them.

“Do you think they missed the train?” Lee asked as he looked over at the twins.

“Knowing them, that’s exactly what happened,” Fred laughed.

Inez agreed before they changed the topic to what food they hoped to have at the feast. Inez thought about dessert while the other three thought about dinner. She was in desperate need of some chocolate eclairs. Once they got to the castle they all hopped out and quickly made their way to the Great Hall for the sorting.

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