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THE following months leading up to Inez's spring holidays were spent splitting her time between her friends and her schoolwork. She felt like time was going by way too quickly as exams would feel like they were right around the corner when they would return from their holiday.

On the Saturday that they were leaving Hogwarts for spring holiday, Inez was saying goodbye to the twins and Lee. They were waiting for Max and Conan to join them so the three leaving the castle could head to the carriages taking them to the train station.

"What does Steve have planned for you guys for your two weeks home?" Fred asked as he and Inez tossed a baseball Steve had sent the twins back and forth.

"Not much honestly. Just relaxing at home and maybe seeing Nat or Clint."

Inez was excited to go back to DC for her two-week holiday. She had missed Steve a bunch and couldn't wait to get caught up on her favorite television shows. It also helped that it was two weeks away from school and Draco Malfoy.

Inez was ready to catch the baseball as Fred threw it back to her but it was caught by Max who rushed in front of her while Conan threw her over his shoulder. A small shriek left her mouth causing Lady Loki to scratch at Conan's ankles.

"Woah there miss," Conan laughed as he looked down at the cat. "I'm sorry, I'll set her down."

Inez picked up her pet as soon as she was back on the ground, holding her carefully in her arms. While she was away in DC, Lady Loki would be staying at the castle just so Inez and Steve didn't have to worry about transporting her as well.

"I'm sorry sweetheart. You have to stay here, okay?" Inez spoke gently to the cat, running her fingers through her fur. "If any of these boys give you a hard time just scratch them."

The three boys began to protest, making Inez laugh at them. She passed the cat to Lee who was Lady Loki's favorite of the trio of Gryffindors before grabbing her luggage. Max and Conan grabbed theirs as well, the three getting ready to head to the carriages. The six quickly said their goodbyes and hugged before the three rushed off.

Inez spent the train ride to Kings Cross chatting with Max and Conan and napping. Inez had spent the night before in the common room getting in her last little bit of time with her friends from her house. Her and Cedric had teamed up and managed to beat everyone else staying up at a game of Monopoly that one of the muggle borns had brought to school.

At some point during the ride Max had pushed Inez off of the seat they were sharing in their sleep causing her to wake up with a groan.

"Shit you okay?" Conan asked as he rubbed his eyes.

"Yeah, I'm good," Inez spoke quietly as she looked at max. "Sorry for waking you up. They get violent in their sleep."

"Yeah Max has always been that way," Conan laughed. "Here you can sit with me if you want."

Inez smiled before sitting on the opposite side of the seat and resting her feet in Conan's lap. After assuring her that he would wake her up when they arrived at the station, Inez went back to sleep with her head resting against the wall. Conan grabbed his book from the ground where it had fallen hours before and read while he waited for them to arrive in London.

As the train slowed to a stop, Conan shook Inez awake causing her to rub her eyes as she yawned. She removed her legs from the boy's lap and began gathering her things while Conan worked on waking up his sibling. Once the three gathered their things, they made their way out of the compartment and off of the train.

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