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     INEZ was aware that having teachers escort their class to their next class was a safety precaution however she hated the fact that she couldn't take the long way to class so that she could see her friends. She wanted to see them even if it was for just a minute. Nonetheless she always followed her teachers to where they lead. She was just thankful that no one had to lead them to breakfast.

On Valentine's Day she walked into the Great Hall and almost fainted again. There was so much pink all around the room with confetti falling from the ceiling. The girl grimaced as she made her way towards the Gryffindor table where she saw George and Lee. She sat herself down next to George as she looked down at the plate in front of her. There was confetti covering it with more falling from the ceiling.

She took the plate and poured the confetti over George's head. Her and Lee laughed as the redhead wore a deadpan expression while dusting his head off. Max and Fred sat down across from the three after a few minutes both discussing the appearance of the Great Hall.

"It looks like the color pink threw up all over," Inez grimaced once again.

Now she didn't mind the color pink but with the amount that was around the room she felt suffocated by it. A pink blob caught her attention from the teacher's table making her realize it was just Professor Lockhart wearing pink robes.

"Is this all his doing?" Inez asked George in a whisper. "Because if so, I'm going to hex him."

Professor Lockhart wished everyone a happy Valentine's Day before thanking the students who had sent him cards. He announced he had a surprise, causing Inez and her friends to roll their eyes. None of them were too fond of the blonde professor. A dozen dwarfs wearing golden wings and carrying harps entered the Great Hall.

"My friendly, card-carrying cupids!" Lockhart exclaimed as he gestured to them.

"Is it too late to file a complaint against him?" Max asked as the five stared at the dwarfs walk into the room.

"They will be roving around the school today delivering your Valentines!"

Lockhart went on to basically volunteer different teachers to help students with Valentine's Day related things such as love potions. That part made Inez become concerned as they weren't allowed at the school but let it go as she stifled a laugh at the other teacher's reactions to Lockhart.

The five continued to eat their breakfast once Lockhart finished his little spiel. Two owls flew down in front of Inez which startled her a bit more than it should have. She quickly untied the letter and card attached to the two owls before feeding them both a little bit of food off of her plate.

She opened the letter first seeing that it was from Steve, Nat, and Clint. They all sent her their weekly letters together this week, making it easier for all of them. She quickly put them back in the envelope to read later before grabbing the card.

"Who's it all from?" Lee asked as he grabbed his glass of water.

"Letters are from Dad, Nat and Clint. I'm going to read them later. The card I'm not sure quite yet."

She opened the card quickly, first checking for a name. She saw the name Conan at the bottom making her look towards the Ravenclaw table. Max's brother met her eyes and gave her a smile before turning back to his friends.

"There's no name," the girl lied to her awaiting friends.

She was unsure why she felt the need to lie but she knew that Fred and George would pester both Max and Conan about it while Lee would tease her about it. She just felt like saving them all a little bit of trouble.

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