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     WAKING up the next morning was painful to say the very least, especially for the three who fell asleep on the floor. The trio slept in uncomfortable positions, Conan getting a crick in his neck that he made Max massage. Lee on the other hand had to pop his entire back before even confronting the raging headache he had.

All the other teens with the exception of Inez shared the headache the Gryffindor boy had, all five of them agreeing on keeping the lights off until they started to feel better. That was ruined when there was a knock on Inez's bedroom door and Nat walked in, turning on the lights as she entered. All five teens groaned, Inez and Wanda, hiding under the blankets on the girl's bed.

"I know you five took Stark's vodka," Nat smirked as she looked around at the group. "I'm not going to tell but you're definitely going to have to hide your hangovers better than this around your dad. I came to help sneak the bottles out and throw them out for you."

"Aunt Nat you're my hero," Inez said as she slightly peeked out of her blankets. "Truly my guardian angel. I love you."


"I knew it was too good to be true."

"But you all have to be able to pretend you're not hungover within ten minutes because Steve's almost finished making you breakfast."

"Captain America is making me breakfast," Max smiled lazily as they looked up from where they hid their face in the crook of Lee's neck.

Conan and Lee both rolled their eyes at Max's antics, Conan throwing a soft, lazy kick to his sibling's shin.

"I helped as well," Nat informed. "Where's my credit?"

"Oh my merlin," Max gasped lightly. "Captain America and Black Widow made me breakfast? Life is good."

Nat laughed lightly before taking the bottles from Inez who had gotten out of bed to retrieve them from their hiding spot in the drawer in her nightstand. The redhead winked at the girl before leaving the room, turning off the lights as she went.

Inez laid back on her bed, groaning as she ran her hands over her face. She rubbed her eyes, regretting the fact that she and Wanda both stayed up until almost six in the morning. She didn't seem to have a hangover like her friends did but was still exhausted from the lack of sleep she had gotten. She felt Wanda roll over, hiding her face in Inez's pillows.

"I can't tell whether food sounds amazing or like it will kill me," Lee's voice was raspy as he spoke. "I want to sleep for the rest of my life."

"You sound like me," Inez yawned as she looked over at the boy. "I really hope there are waffles. Oooh, I hope Sam made the waffles."

"What if there are no waffles?" Conan asked as he began to sit up.

"We riot."

Inez stood from her bed, retreating to her bathroom to wash her face and brush her teeth. She peaked back into her room to see her friends sluggishly moving around. Conan looked over at her, smiling at the toothpaste suds around her mouth. She flipped him off as he began to let out giggle-like laughs.

"I suggest you all do the same before someone smells a bar on your breath," Inez's words were mumbled even though she removed her toothbrush from her mouth.

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