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     THE day that the seven kids got their Hogwarts letters, it was decided that the upcoming Wednesday, which happened to be in two days, they would all go to Diagon Alley to get their school supplies. Hermione was also going that day which is why they chose the particular day.

Inez decided to send Thor a letter as she hadn't talked to him since he came to inform her about Loki's death. She informed him of going to Diagon Alley on Wednesday, rescuing Harry, and the shenanigans that her and the twins had been up to the past few days.

She hadn't expected for him to respond the next day, informing her that he would like to go with her and the Weasley's. He told her that he would meet them at the Leaky Cauldron as she had told him that that's where they would probably meet Hermione. At dinner that night Inez decided to bring it up to the Weasley's.

"So my Uncle Thor, well not really my uncle but who cares. Anyway Uncle Thor said he'd meet us at the Leaky Cauldron tomorrow to help me go school shopping," Inez said when there was a silence at the table.

Harry perked up at looked at the girl in excitement which caused Arthur and Molly to grow confused.

"You mean Thor as in the one you helped save New York with?" The messy haired boy asked as he looked star struck.

"Yeah, that's the one. Just try not to mention New York or his brother tomorrow please. It's uh, kind of a rough time for us right now," Inez said as she looked down at her plate.

George, who was sat next to her, grabbed her hand that was resting on her thigh and rubbed circles on the back of it. The girl rested her head on the boy's shoulder and mentally slapped herself for bringing up Loki in the middle of dinner. Ron questioned why they shouldn't bring up the subjects which earned him a smack on the back of the head from Fred.

"Uh, Loki died about a week ago. It's been tough on both Thor and me. I just don't want him to think about it tomorrow if I can help it."

"Of course, dear. We won't mention it at all," Mrs. Weasley assured the girl with a gentle smile before she turned back to her food.

Inez smiled at the woman before picking up her fork again. Harry asked her questions about Thor such as things he liked, what he was like in real life, what the kind of accent he has, etc.

The next morning Molly woke everyone up quite early as there were a lot of them and they all needed to get ready. After they had bacon sandwiches for breakfast, the large group made their way to the fireplace. After a bit of chatter about who was going first and Harry not knowing how to use the floo network (Ron apologized for forgetting that his friend had never done it before), Fred went first to show Harry how it was done.

As soon as George had also gone, Inez went using the floo. When she was in Diagon Alley, she told her two friends that she would meet them back where they were after she went and found Thor. She didn't want him to get lost without her. The brunette made her way to the wall the led to the interior of the Leaky Cauldron.

When a family walked through the opening of the wall, Inez rushed into the pub and towards the front. As she looked around, she spotted Thor walking in, looking around as well. The girl ran up the God and hugged him tightly when she reached him.

"Lady Inez its lovely to see you again," Thor smiled as he patted the girl's head.

"I missed you Uncle Thor," the girl smiled up at him.

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