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STEVE laughed as he threw Inez over his shoulder causing her to squeal. They were leaving the small restaurant that they had lunch in and the girl had been complaining about Steve walking too quickly. Now Inez has a fast pace when it comes to walking. At least she thought she did until she met Steve. The man did not seem to slow down for anyone.

The man carried his daughter to their motorcycle before setting her back on her feet. Inez smacked Steve's arm before complaining about the blood rushing to her head. Steve chuckled before helping her into her sidecar and hopping on the bike himself. Steve started the bike and the two were off to the VA to pay Sam a visit.

Inez watched the world whiz by as her hair flew behind her. She loved the feeling of being free especially when she felt the wind hit her face. It always seemed to make her smile no matter how she was feeling on the inside. She adored it.

The girl was almost disappointed when Steve pulled into the parking lot of the VA. She couldn't quite bring herself to be truly upset about getting out of the sidecar when she would get to see Sam again. He just generated such positive energy that Inez had quickly become fond of.

The two stood in the hallway, listening in on the discussion that was occurring in the meeting. Inez watched as Sam spoke to the group, looking up to see how Steve was reacting to the other man's words. The blonde didn't notice, too busy thinking about what Sam was saying.

The meeting soon came to a close, Sam taking the time to talk to the members and bid them farewell for the week. Inez could barely stand still as Sam walked towards the pair with a smile on his face.

"Look who it is, the running man," Sam joked as he looked up at Steve.

"Hi pretty boy!"

The man greeted the girl with a bright smile, holding his fist out for a fist bump that she gladly reciprocated. Sam turned to the table next to the father and daughter and began to straighten out the pamphlets and flyers.

"We caught the last few minutes," Steve said as he put his hands in his pockets. "It's pretty intense."

"Yeah brother, we all got the same problems," Sam said, not looking up from the papers he was organizing. "Guilt, regret."

Sam finally looked up from the papers as he stepped away from the table. Inez felt the atmosphere beginning to turn more serious and reached out to hold onto Steve's forearm.

"You lose someone?"

"My wingman, Riley," Sam said before explaining to Steve what had happened.

Riley and he had been on a standard night mission when Riley had gotten knocked out of the sky. Sam could do nothing but watch as Riley fell.

"After that, I had a really hard time finding a reason for being over there, you know?"

Inez looked up at Steve in an attempt to gauge his reaction. She had heard him talk a few times in his sleep from her room. Most of the time when he spoke in his sleep he was begging someone to grab his hand. She just never knew for sure who he was dreaming about but she felt like it must have been his friend, Bucky. Just like when she had asked about the man earlier at the museum, Steve avoided Sam's question.

"But you're happy now, back in the world?"

"The number of people giving me orders is down to about zero, so hell yeah," Sam smiled. "What? You thinking about getting out?"

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