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     STEVE helped Inez carry her trunk towards the Weasleys and stood with the mother as the two watched the kids tease each other.

"Don't worry, ickle Ronniekins is safe with us," Fred told his mother before Inez rolled her eyes.

"I'll watch out for Ron because we all know that the twins will just embarrass him," the girl stated as she looked towards Mrs. Weasley.

"Thank you dear. At least someone is willing to do it," the woman said, directing the last part at the twins.

To change the subject, the two boys began to tell the group about how the first year Inez sent them to help was in fact Harry Potter. Ginny became very interested in meeting the boy and Mrs. Weasley scolded her for acting like he was some animal in a zoo to look at. Steve, who had gotten the rundown of the wizarding world from Inez, understood who Harry Potter was and agreed with Mrs. Weasley.

The train whistle sounded and Inez knew it was time to board the train. George grabbed the girl's trunk for her and hauled it onto the train for her before they all leaned out of the train windows. Molly kissed all the kid's cheeks and Inez leaned down to give Steve one last hug.

"We'll send you a Hogwarts toilet seat," George assured Ginny who was crying.

Mrs. Weasley scolded him as the train began to move. Steve and Molly waved at the kids while Ginny ran in an attempt to keep up with the train before it gained too much speed and she couldn't keep up anymore. Ron walked off after the platform was out of sight and the twins grabbed Inez's trunk for her. They guided her towards the compartment where Lee was waiting for them.

"We'll be right back. We have to go make sure Ron hasn't died yet," Fred said before him and George walked out of the compartment.

"I'm going with them. I want to make sure they don't embarrass the poor too much," Inez smiled to Lee as she ran after the two redheads.

As she got to the compartment that the twins, Ron and Harry Potter where she heard the twins introducing themselves to the brunette first year. Inez rushed up behind them and smiled at the two first years before resting her arms on the boy's shoulders.

"How could you forget about me?" Inez faux pouted as she leaned on the twins.

Harry gawked at the girl, recognizing her. The three redheads gave him a weird look before he spoke up.

"You were on the news. The thing that happened in New York this summer. You helped all those people from the alien attack," Harry spoke as he continued to stare at Inez. "You're like a hero with your powers."

Inez gave an awkward and nervous laugh as she refused to look at the twins. Ron was now also gawking at the brunette. The Carter girl gave the two first year's finger guns as she was unsure what to do.

"Yeah, it was really scary to be honest but I couldn't leave all those people helpless," Inez stated while wrapping the hem of her shirt around her thumb.

"Can you show us your powers?" Ron asked with excitement as he looked up at the Carter girl.

"Shut up Ron. She isn't some zoo animal for your entertainment," Fred raised his voice at his brother who shrunk away at the tone the older boy used.

"It's fine Fred. I learned this new one this summer. I just can't really show it to you guys because it hurts people," the girl frowned as she looked at her hands.

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