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     ULTRON'S lair was inside the base that the three teenagers had previously been held in. That alone was enough for Inez to regret even going to meet him in the church, but she was doing this for Pietro and Wanda. They wanted to help this thing with his plan and the girl would rather stick with them then be on her own. At least this way she was with people she knew and she could ensure that the twins would be safe with her there. Inez didn't trust this metal man to care about the twins if it came between saving them and finishing his mission.

"We'll move out right away," Ultron told the three as he showed them his lair where more robots of him were working. "This is a start, but there's something we need to begin the real work."

"All of these are," Wanda trailed off as Ultron cut her off.

"Me," the robot responded. "I have what the Avengers never will. Harmony. They're discordant. Disconnected. Stark's already got them turning on each other and when you get inside the rest of their heads-"

"Everyone's plan is not to kill them," Pietro rolled his eyes.

"And make them martyrs?"

Killing the Avengers seemed extreme to Inez and it worried her.

Conceal your emotions. Don't let them know what you're thinking. Keep personal things secret.

A woman's voice rang through her head. It sounded similar to the red-haired woman that Inez had seen in her possible memory earlier. She wondered if the woman had been a mentor of hers. She just wanted to know what had happened to her.

Inez forced herself to keep a blank expression. She refused to let this thing in front of her know what she was thinking at any moment. They were her feelings not his and she wouldn't allow him to use them against her.

"You need patience," Ultron told the boy as he came closer to the three. "Need to see the big picture."

"I don't see the big picture. I have a little picture," Pietro told the robot as the twins stared at him. "I take it out and look at it, every day."

"You lost your parents in the bombings," Ultron tilted his head at the boy. "I've seen the records."

"The records are not the picture," the boy stated as he stared at the robot.

Wanda turned to her brother, stopping him from continuing. Ultron however encouraged the boy to tell him about the bombing that had occurred when they were children. The boy looked over at his sister as he began to recount the experience. Inez squeezed his hand in an attempt to comfort him before moving to stand behind both siblings so she could hold Wanda's hand as well. She knew how much the bombing affected the pair.

They lost everything in a matter of moments.

Inez was hit with another possible memory as she squeezed her eyes closed. A tall brunette man was sitting with a young Inez in his lap. The man was telling her about helping citizens of Sokovia after there was a bombing in the country. Young her listened intently, intrigued with every word this man said. When young Inez called the man "Dad" she almost choked.

She had a father.

She wondered what had happened to him to make her end up where she was now.

The girl tuned back into the conversation as Wanda recounts waiting to be rescued from the rubble of the apartment building. Inez squeezed the other girl's hand, Wanda shifting her hand to interlace their fingers before squeezing her hand in response. Inez looked to Pietro as he sighed.

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