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      STEVE and Inez found their way to Kings Cross Station on the first of September. Inez was over the moon excited to see her friends but she was scared to be away from Steve. She had grown attached to him and spending every day with him. She was scared about being so far from the man especially after they had been through so much since the beginning of the summer holidays. 

"We need to hurry and find the Weasley's," Inez told Steve as she rushed ahead of the man. 

"Wait up!" Steve did his best to weave through the crowd on the platform without bumping into anybody. 

"Well then pick up the pace grandpa!" 

Steve laughed as he finally caught up to the excited girl. She did a good job at hiding the fact that she was nervous. If she hadn't expressed her concerns the evening prior, Steve probably wouldn't have known just how anxious she was to be away. 

The girl caught sight of redheads and once again picked up her pace. Instead of her fast, speed-walk the brunette was now jogging. Steve managed to keep up with her this time around and was right behind her. 


The younger boy jerked his head around at the sound of his name and grinned at the girl. Inez began to run towards the family and picked the youngest boy up, spinning him around. His ears and cheeks began to flush a dark pink color as she set him down. 

"I missed you so much. Are you excited?" Inez held Ron's shoulders as she spoke to him. 

"I missed you too Nezzie. I'm bloody excited to go-" Ron began to speak before he was cut off. 

"Oi! Only we can call her that," George declared as him and Fred came up on either side of their brother. 

"I'd hate to be the one to break the news to Romanoff," Steve remarked as he stood next to Inez. 

The young girl laughed as she noticed the three boys giving her a confused look. Before she got the chance to explain, a shorter redhead ran up to the brunette and jumped on her. Inez laughed as she spun Ginny around. 

"Hey Little Red," the brunette spoke as she set down the youngest Weasley child. 

Mrs. Weasley called her children to make sure they weren't falling behind before spotting Inez and Steve. She immediately rushed towards the Carter girl and embraced her in a tight hug that the young girl much needed. Molly quickly greeted Steve before rushing them towards Platforms nine and ten. 

"It's always packed with Muggles, of course no offense to you Steve dear. I truly appreciate everything you do for Inez," Molly said as they passed the crowds. 

They walked for a few more moments before stopping and turning to her children and the other two. She asked the kids what platform number they needed just to be safe. Ginny answered with the correct platform in excitement before beginning to ask if she could go with her brothers. Mrs. Weasley quickly shut down her daughter's question, reminding her she wasn't the proper age. 

Percy, the oldest Weasley that currently went to Hogwarts, went through the barrier while Inez was chatting with Fred and George about the twin's summer. Molly called Fred to go through the barrier next causing him to look at her with an annoyed facial expression. 

"I'm not Fred, I'm George. Honestly woman you call yourself our mother? Can't you tell I'm George?" 

Molly quickly apologized before Fred told her it was a joke. The boy quickly ran towards the barrier and called out for George to follow him as he went through the wall. Inez rolled her eyes in amusement before turning to Steve. 

"Want to run with me?" The girl asked as she grabbed the man's forearm. 

"What are Aunt Steve's for? Let's go kiddo." 

The two told Molly they'd meet her on the other side before they took off in a jog. After passing through the barrier, Inez smiled at the sight of the Hogwarts Express. She quickly pulled Steve out of the way in case someone was coming in right after them. As she looked back towards the train, she was crushed in a hug. 

"Nezzie it's been ages!" 

Lee held onto Inez tightly as she wrapped her arms around him and squeezed. They held each other for a few more moments before Lee pulled away from his friend and looked at Steve. Giving the man a hard look, Lee began questioning him. 

"Did you take care of her? She didn't get hurt, did she?" Lee glared at the man as he hesitated to answer. 

"I was fine. I only got stabbed like once so-"

"You got stabbed?" George yelled as he came up on the girl's left and Fred on her right. 

Inez chuckled awkwardly before she quickly hid behind Steve's back. The man rolled his eyes before pushing her back in front of him, saying that he wasn't taking the fall for her. The Carter girl groaned before pointing out a first year who needed help with his trunk, promising to tell the story if the twins helped him. The two rushed off while Lee stayed with the girl and Steve. 

"Nice job," the boy said as he gave the girl a low five. 

"Thank you. It took no effort."

Lee was called over by his parents and he ran off to find them. Inez turned to Steve and let out a heavy breath.

"Thank you for everything this summer. I can't wait to see you at Christmas. Write to me when you can please. I actually have someone to write to me now," Inez rambled as she wrapped the hem of her shirt around her thumb.

"Hey, hey, hey Nez. Breathe okay. I promise that I'll write to you at least once a week. I love you kid," Steve reassured the young girl as he pulled her into his chest.

Inez sighed as she wrapped her arms around his torso and tried to keep tears in. She knew that she would miss Steve but didn't realize just how hard it would be to leave. She had grown accustomed to waking up each morning and the two of them eating breakfast together before they went on a walk around their block.

"I love you too you grandpa," Inez sniffled as she giggled.

Steve jokingly groaned before pulling away from the girl. He squatted down in front of her and looked at her.

"If you need anything at all, write to me. I will find a way to get there and be there for you. You're my kid and I'm always going to be here for you no matter what," Steve's voice was firm yet comforting as he spoke to the girl.

Inez sniffled again as she nodded at Steve. She didn't want to leave just quite yet but the train was getting ready to leave. She heard Mrs. Weasley calling her kids and knew it was time for her to board the train. The girl pulled Steve into another tight hug and held onto him tighter than she had before.

"Even though I know you won't, stay out of trouble. Enjoy yourself kiddo. I'll see you at Christmas," Steve told Inez before he pulled away from her.

"I'll write to you as soon as I can," Inez assured the man with a smile. 

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