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     INEZ sat in her bedroom in her and Steve's new apartment in Washington D.C. as Taylor Swift's Speak Now album played. The song "Long Live" had been on repeat as she stared at the wall in tears. She had only a few days before she left for Hogwarts once again and there was bad news. Thor had come by the apartment personally to inform the girl that Loki had died. The God didn't go into details with the girl but just told her the basics.

To say that Inez was heartbroken was an understatement. She never got to visit the brothers in Asgard and now she didn't think it would be the same if she visited. She had also been informed that the brother's mother, Frigga, had been killed.

Thor told the girl about how his mother would sneak down to Loki's cell and read him the letters that the Carter girl had sent him. The woman had also been the one to write Loki's responses to Inez as he couldn't write them himself. Inez had broken down as he told her these details. Once Thor left the apartment the girl hid away in her room, the door locked.

Inez wanted to get to know Loki more but now she couldn't. She would never get to know the reason he did the things he did. She never got to tell him more stories about Hogwarts. She would never get to introduce Fred and George to Loki.

"Nez, can I come in?" Steve's voice was gentle as he leaned against the doorframe of the locked door.

There was shuffling on the other side before he felt the door open. The man looked at Inez just as she shoved her face into his chest and cried. Hugging her tightly, Steve sighed knowing that this was hitting her harder than he could have imagined.

"I wrote him his weekly letter late and now he's gone. It's mum and dad all over again," Inez sniffled as she wiped tears from her face.

"What do you mean it's your parents all over again?" Steve asked as he pulled Inez to sit on her bed.

The girl took a deep breath before she began explaining. She told him about how she wrote weekly letters to her parents and the only week she didn't write to them, they passed away. Now the one time she was late on writing a letter to Loki, he too died. It was only the second time she had directly spoken about the false cause connecting her parents' passing and letters but it wasn't any easier than the previous time.

"Inez Elizabeth Carter neither of these incidents were your fault. You forgetting about letters is not the reason they are gone and they never will be. You were not the fire that killed your parents. You were not the blade that killed Loki. You are not responsible for anything that you don't have control over," Steve explained to Inez as she sat there listening to him.

The girl let out a sob as she let Steve wrap his arms around her in a hug. The two sat there as Inez cried into Steve's shoulder, the man's heart hurting at the fact that he couldn't do anything to make her feel better. In the end the pair ordered take out from a close by café and ate their food while watching 10 Things I Hate About You.


     STEVE and Inez were in the back of a cab on their way to the airport. Inez was going to stay the next five days with the Weasley's and she would go with them to Platform Nine and Three Quarters. She was disappointed that Steve couldn't go with her but understood that he couldn't just go to London for a few days.

After a few minutes, the cab driver pulled them up next to the curb and allowed the pair to exit the car. Steve helped Inez get her trunk and her backpack out of the trunk as she stood there, tapping her fingers against her against her thigh.

"Here you go kiddo. I can't wait to see you at Christmas," Steve said as he hugged the girl.

"I'm going to miss you," Inez sighed as she hid her face in Steve's shoulder.

"I'm going to miss you too kiddo. You got to go or else you'll be late," Steve said as he patted Inez's head.

"Alright I love you."

"I love you too kid."

Nine and half hours later, only a little less than eight of which were spent on a plane, Inez was in London. She exited the plane and walked through the crowds to the baggage claim area. As soon as the girl got to her destination, she was met with Molly and someone she hadn't seen in years.

"Dora!" Inez tried to contain her voice as she spotted her pink haired cousin.

The girl ran up to the pair and practically jumped on her cousin. The woman smiled as she held her cousin in her arms and squeezed her.

"Hey Lizzie! It's been too long honey," Tonks said as she kissed the top of the girl's head.

After the two separated, Inez embraced Mrs. Weasley in a tight hug. The three chatted while they waited for Inez's trunk to make its way down the conveyor belt. The two cousins got to catch up after not seeing each other in four years.

Once Inez had lugged her trunk off of the conveyor belt, the three made their way to the parking structure where they could apparate back to the Burrow. They found an empty part of the structure and Molly took Inez's hand while Tonks took the girl's trunk in her hand and the three apparated to the Weasley's.

Inez, Molly, and Tonks appeared in the Weasley's front yard. The brunette wasn't even able to let go of Molly's hand before she caught two flashes of ginger running up to her before she fell to the ground. The girl laughed as she felt the twins shove each other to try to get to her first.

"You hugged her last at the platform!" Fred yelled as he shoved George away from him.

"She likes me better!"


Inez looked up and scrambled off the ground to hug Ginny who was running out the door. The two girls embraced each other, the brunette lifting the ginger off the ground slightly.

"I missed you Little Red," Inez laughed as she held onto the girl.

The twins groaned as they stood up from the ground and made their way over to their best friend. They each hugged the girl before she picked up her bag from the ground as Molly ushered them inside the house. Fred and George grabbed Inez's trunk for her while Tonks and Ginny hooked arms with the brunette.

"You lot sit down. Lunch should be done now," Mrs. Weasley told them as she walked over to the stove.

Ron, who had just come down from his room after a nap, rubbed his eyes before spotting the Carter girl in his kitchen. He quickly made his way over to the table and hugged her before sitting next to her.

"You're just in time to help us bust Harry out of his aunt and uncle's house tonight," Ron whispered once his mother walked out of the room to grab something.

"I'm in."

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