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     SITTING with Steve in the living room, Inez watched as Max and Conan played Just Dance together. The girl lay with her head in Steve's lap as she smiled at the siblings moving around, going full out on their dancing. She let out a laugh as Conan attempted to trip Max but instead ended up tripping himself.

The next day was the last day of the winter holiday before the Hogwarts students would get on the train to go back to school. Inez was still in the dark about what Steve would decide mainly because so was the man. He wasn't sure whether the girl was truly ready to go back to school, especially with it being so far away from home. He may have also selfish reasons for wanting her to stay home. He wanted her to stay with him. He wanted to be able to keep an eye on her. But he also knew that it would be better for her to return to school and get reacquainted with her normal life and socialize with her friends.

He watched her laugh at the pair of siblings in front of them and knew that going back to Hogwarts was what she needed. She needed to be with her friends and Cedric whom she had yet to see since returning. And so, at that moment, watching his daughter laugh at her friends, Steve decided he had to send her back to school in two days. He didn't want to, but he knew it was for the better.

"How badly do you want to go back to school?" Steve asked quietly as he looked down at the girl.

Inez looked up at her dad, unsure of how to answer. She had already thought over what it would mean to go back. She would leave Wanda here without her. She would be away from her dad. She would however be back with her friends, with Cedric and she would be able to catch up on all of her missed schoolwork and not have to be held back a year.

"Pretty bad," Inez admitted after a few quiet moments.

Steve nodded with a small grin, gaining one back from the girl.

"You better get packing then," he said as he brushed the hair off of her forehead. "You only have today and tomorrow until you get on the train."

Inez let out a squeal as she launched herself into a hug with her dad. She squeezed him as she buried her head in the crook of his neck. Steve laughed as he hugged her back, letting her squeal in his ear.

Max and Conan, who had just finished their round of the game, turned to look at the pair in confusion. Max took notice of Steve's grin paired with Inez's squealing and put the pieces together.

"You're coming back to school with us?" The Slytherin practically shouted the question, gaining a nod from Inez as she pulled away from her dad. "No fucking way!"

Inez jumped off the couch and into Max's waiting arms. The pair spun around with Inez's feet lifting off of the ground a few inches. Max set the girl down as Conan swooped in and lifted her off the ground as well. The trio celebrated together loudly and planned out what they would do on the train ride with all of them with bright smiles.

Wanda watched from the entryway of the living room that the four resided in, frowning at the celebration of the three teens. She wanted to join them in celebrating but knew she couldn't genuinely and wholeheartedly celebrate like they were. It may have been selfish of her but she still didn't want Inez to leave. She wanted her to stay with her. She wanted what Conan and Max had with each other with her brother. She wanted friends like Inez had. But she didn't.

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