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     THE next week of classes went over well for Inez. She was making her way through her make-up assignments quickly with the help of the twins, Lee and Max. The four would spend their evenings working on their own homework before helping Inez with her extra assignments once they were finished. She never let them help her unless they were done with their own because she refused to be the reason her friends fell behind in their own studies.

Inez had also started seeing things again. She would see herself like she had in the vision courtesy of Wanda. Whether it be through a reflection in the mirror, out of the corner of her eye, or just her face appearing on someone else's, Inez was seeing her worst fear again. She had also begun to see faces of people she had killed like Strucker or Pierce. Their faces appeared less often than her own but they still appeared. The least common of her hallucinations but just as painful as the others was Pietro. She would see his body littered with bullet wounds, especially at night when she couldn't sleep.

Whenever she would see these hallucinations, her blood would run cold and any good mood she was in previously was completely gone. Most of the time she did a decent job at hiding it but other times people picked up on her mood change. She always had an excuse at the ready when this happened. Whether it be that her head or stomach began to ache or she was tired or she was stressing about her assignments, the girl was ready. The twins, Lee, and Max were always hesitant to buy into her excuses but trusted that the girl would tell them if something were truly wrong.

The five friends were currently in the Gryffindors' dorm room working on their schoolwork after Inez had finished her tutoring session with Professor Lupin. Inez was writing out an essay for her potions class as she listened to the boys speaking amongst themselves about whatever homework they were doing together. Inez tapped the tip of her quill on her parchment as she thought about how to word her next few sentences. She still needed a few inches to meet the minimum length requirement for the assignment.

She moved her gaze from her writing to the window that showed the sun setting in the distance. Inez jumped back when she saw her reflection smile back at her through the window, just like when she saw her worst fear courtesy of Wanda. She blinked a few times and the reflection was gone but the effects of seeing it would last much longer than it had appeared for.

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