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     FINDING their way back to the quinjet was easy for Inez and Bruce. She sent the man back on the aircraft, the girl staying on the outside of it in case anyone tried to attack them. She kept static dancing around her fingers in case she needed a quick attack as she scanned the area around her.

She heard footsteps behind her and peaked around her shoulder but she was too late.

She attempted to stumble away but when she did, she was suddenly back in her childhood home. "Complicated" by Avril Lavigne played quietly in the background, one of her mother's favorite songs. She looked around and saw her parents and her younger self sitting around the Christmas tree, opening gifts together. Younger Inez wore a bright smile as she opened a present from her mother. She began to frown as she pulled a mirror out of the box and saw herself. The music seemed to slow down as the reflection in the handheld mirror began to smile back at young Inez, her head titling downward and looking through her eyebrows.

The reflection reached through the mirror as the music turned staticky. Inez felt her chest tighten with fear and rushed out the door behind her. As she shut the door, she leaned against it while taking deep breaths. She looked up to see another younger her in her bedroom, packing last minute items for her first year at Hogwarts. She smiled at the memory, remembering that night to be such a happy moment in her life. She girl was folding her last sweater and picked up the stack, moving to her trunk.

When young Inez opened the trunk, she jumped back in fear. This confused the current Inez because she didn't do that when she was younger. Young Inez scurried backward in an attempt to get as far back as she could. The same reflection from the mirror began to slowly rise from the trunk. She wore the same smile with the same psychotic look on her face along with splattered blood. The current Inez felt like her heart was in her throat as the music got louder in her ears as it slowed more and sounded more like static.

She twisted the doorknob, rushing out of the room and into another. She was suddenly in the conference room where Alexander Pierce died. She saw his body lying there with past her leaning down by his side. Everything about the room was the same with the exception of Natasha and Nick Fury being absent from the scene. She watched as past her stood from Pierce's side, the man now dead. Inez watched as the other her slowly turned to look at her, the girl's face twisted in a sadistic smile.

Inez's stomach dropped as she took in the girl's face that had more blood splattered on it than before. Her smile terrified Inez and she found herself stumbling out of the room and into a new one. This time it was Inez and Steve in his hospital room after taking down HYDRA and S.H.I.E.L.D. in DC. Steve was sleeping and Inez was sitting next to him while reading a book. She smiled at the memory only for it to fall as she saw the bloodied reflection of herself pop up from behind Steve's hospital bed but this time wielding a knife. Inez tried to warn her slightly younger self but she had no voice. The reflection took the knife to Steve's throat and slit it causing the girl to scream as blood splattered on her face, the reflection's face now being completely covered in the crimson color.

Inez brought her hand up to her face to wipe the blood off of her face only to see the bloody knife in her own hand. Her hand trembled as she stared at it, dropping it as she screamed once again while the reflection laughed at her. The laughter and static from the music circled the girl, being the only thing she could hear. The room began to spin and the girl stumbled her way to the door and barely managed to pull it open.

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