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     FOLLOWING the twins , Inez walked around the outside of the salvage yard off the coast of Africa. The three were here to help Ultron in obtaining vibranium for his plan. The three teens entered the building as the lights were shut off curtesy of Ultron. Pietro picked Wanda up in his arms while Inez secured herself on his back. He ran the three into the building, stopping just outside the office of Ulysses Klaue setting the girls down.

The man in charge of the salvage yard grabbed a gun off of his desk and crept toward the door of his office, shooting the gun but not hitting anything. Instead, Pietro grabbed a hold of the bullet and sped to set it back on the desk where other bullets sat standing in a line.

Inez and Wanda stepped into the room to accompany the Maximoff boy in Klaue's office. Wanda and Pietro put on intimidating faces while Inez remained uninterested. She wanted this to be over with so that she could be anywhere but here.

"Yeah. The enhances," Klaue said as he looked between the three. "Strucker's prized pupils."

Inez rolled her eyes at the mention of the dead man. Klaue picked up a candy dish filled with sweets and offered them to the three, not that any of them took any. They were here on business, definitely not pleasure. Inez raised an eyebrow at the man causing him to set it back down on his desk with a shrug.

"I was sorry to hear about Strucker," the man said before looking back at the teenagers. "But then, he knew what kind of world he was helping create. Human life, not a growth market."

The twins' faces flashed with looks of confusion at the mention of this while Inez masked her own confusion. The voice of woman rang through her mind once again.

Conceal your emotions. Don't let them know what you're thinking.

Inez had never really been sure what Strucker was attempting to accomplish with the experiments, and it appeared that neither did the twins. Pietro looked over to his sister who harder her gaze at Klaue in an attempt to cover her confusion. Inez analyzed the man's face as looked at Pietro before turning his head to look at Wanda.

"You didn't know?" The man asked the twins. "You two, is this your first time intimidating someone? I'm afraid I'm not that afraid of the pair of you."

Inez looked toward Wanda who stepped further into the room as she stared at the man.

"Everybody's afraid of something."

"Cuttlefish," Klaue responded instantly causing Wanda to tilt her head and the other two to stare at him with blank expressions. "Deep sea fish. They make lights, disco lights."

The man began to imitate the fish he spoke of before continuing to describe the fish. Inez raised her eyes to look at the ceiling in boredom. She let out an overdramatic sigh causing Pietro to look over at her. He then sped over to the candy dish and grabbed two pieces of candy before returning to his spot next to Inez. Klaue jumped at the sudden movement of the boy before looking back to where the boy now was.

Pietro had already unwrapped the pieces of candy by the time he stood next to Inez, putting one of the pieces in his mouth before holding the other out for the girl. She reached out to grab it from him, but he pulled it away from her, setting the candy in her mouth himself. Inez raised an eyebrow at the gesture causing the boy to shrug with a smirk.

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