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     IF you had told Inez at the beginning of the year that Professor Lockhart would end up being a lousy teacher, she probably would have questioned why you thought that. He was well respected in the wizarding community so she naturally assumed that he would have plenty of relevant information to share with the students.

Even after the first day when the quiz he gave out was about him she still tried to keep an open mind, thinking that maybe he was just self-centered but still could be a decent teacher.

Oh, how she was wrong.

She not only witnessed him trying and failing to have a hands-on lesson with her class which resulted in him fleeing the classroom (something that Ron had told her had also happened in his class), she also heard all the horror stories from other students. George, Fred, and Lee all complained about how they only heard about the self-centered teacher. Cedric complained about not learning anything relevant to his O.W.L.S. Harry and Ron complained just about the teacher in general which Inez didn’t blame them for.

"I swear if that man dedicates one more lesson to him winning some smile award, I’m going to call in Steve to knock him with his shield,” Inez groaned as she leaned against George.

“Don’t even get me started on how he saved so-and-so from whatever dark creature and how he looked ‘ruggedly handsome’ while doing it,” Lee complained as he threw his head back.

“He’s not even good looking,” Inez added, which caused all three boy’s heads to look towards her. “What?”

"You check out the teachers?” Fred asked with a laugh.

“Ew no! I’m just tired of all the girls fawning over him when they’re much more attractive than he is.”

The other three laughed at her, causing her to give them a fake pout. George wrapped his arm around Inez’s shoulder as they leaned into each other. The four were enjoying some of their free time sitting in one of the least travelled through corridors in the castle. Fred and Lee sat on one side of the hall, across from Inez and George.

“I don’t want to go to Lockhart’s class,” Inez whined after a few minutes when she realized that their next class would be starting in less than ten minutes.

“Let’s just head back to our dorm and skip, yeah?” Lee suggested as he looked up from his potions essay.

The other agreed and so George quickly whipped out the Marauders Map to avoid running into any professors or Filch who had been extremely moody since Mrs. Norris was petrified.

To be fair Inez knew that if Lady Loki had been the cat that had been petrified, she too would be upset with the world. She just wished the man didn’t take it out on the students and try to get his anger out some other way.

Just like the last time that they all hung out together in the Gryffindor tower, the boys made Inez cover her ears so that she could not hear the password. She rolled her eyes at this as she knew that she could barely remember the correct order to tap the barrels to enter the Hufflepuff common room even though the pattern hasn’t changed since she first started Hogwarts.

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