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     THE next two days leading up to Christmas, were spent with Inez and Steve decorating the apartment and going last minute Christmas shopping. The girl refused to let Steve see what she was getting him so Natasha agreed to go shopping with them for a few hours the day before Christmas so that Inez wasn’t alone in the store. While they did that, Steve made a few calls.

That night, after wrapping the last of the gifts, the two met up in the living room to take part in their Christmas Eve traditions. Inez put her hair in a ponytail while Steve set up the DVD player with Nightmare Before Christmas. There was popcorn popping in the microwave and Inez was grabbing a blanket and some pillows for the pair. Once everything was set up, the two sat on the couch and Steve pressed play on the movie.

Inez loved their tradition. It was something similar with her and her parent’s traditions without feeling like she was replacing them.

At some point during the movie, Inez dozed off and fell asleep on Steve’s arm. The man softly laughed when the movie ended and he looked down to see the girl passed out. He set the popcorn bowl onto the corner table next to him before picking up the girl and carrying her to her room. He quietly closed the door before going back to the living to clean up and fill up the stockings.

The next morning Inez woke up confused before seeing that she was in her bedroom. She quickly got up and brushed her teeth before rushing to Steve’s room. She saw him asleep on the floor and quickly grabbed a pillow, smacking him in the face.

“Get up dude! It's Christmas and I really want my Weasley sweater,” Inez bounced as she watched Steve groan.

“Can I sleep for five more minutes please?” The man whined as he rolled over.

“I guess,” Inez sighed. “But only five minutes.”

Steve thanked the girl and a few seconds later he was snoring again. Inez rolled her eyes at the way he could fall asleep that quickly before walking out of his room and into the kitchen. Noticing that coffee had already been brewed, she decided to get everything ready for Steve to get his cup of coffee so that they could open presents and have breakfast quicker.

Once Steve was up and had his coffee, the two sat in the living room with their presents. Inez opened the first gift which was the Weasley sweater that Molly had knitted along with some fudge. It was something she looked forward to since her first Christmas during school. Steve opened his present from the Weasley’s next and got his blue sweater and some fudge.

The two spent some time taking turns opening presents. Inez ended up getting clothes from Natasha like the year prior, along with a pocket knife with a note telling her to keep it hidden from Steve. Apparently, the man had told him not to get her the knife but she did anyway. The twins decided to team up for gifts this year and they got the girl a bunch of sweets from Honeyduke’s again. Lee got the girl a Taylor Swift shirt that his parents had found a month prior. Harry, Ron and Hermione sent the girl a homemade card along with a book Hermione recommended. Cedric got the girl a necklace that she had seen in a catalog for a Hogsmeade shop. Clint sent her some boots and her cousin, Tonks, gifted her with a set of rings.

The twins sent Steve a bunch of sweets as well while Harry, Ron and Hermione sent him the book, Hogwarts: A History. Nat and Clint both sent the man some movies and vinyls. Lee sent a “#1 Aunt” t-shirt for the man which made him laugh. Inez got him a few things, each wrapped separately so that Steve could have more presents to open. She got him more vinyls that she knew he wanted to add to his collection, a watch that she thought looked nice, and a gift card to a male’s clothing store.

“Now the gift card is for you to buy clothes but I have to approve of them first because full offense Steve, you have awful taste,” Inez explained when the man opened the envelope.

“Okay that hurt,” Steve joked as he put the gift card back into the envelope.

He grabbed the last box and envelope and handed it to the girl with a smile. Inez smiled brightly as she unwrapped the box to see it was a cell phone box. She stared at it in shock before looking back up to Steve.

“It’s so I can check up on you when we’re not together or if you just want to talk while you’re away. I know your school like messes with technology but I did some research and as long as it's off while you’re there, it should be fine whenever you leave,” Steve explained as the girl opened the box.

“I love it Steve! Thank you so much!” Inez squealed as she opened the box.

“Oh, before we set it up, you still have the envelope to open,” Steve reminded her as he pointed to it sitting next to her.

The girl set the phone box down beside her and picked up the envelope, opening it. Inside was another list just like the Christmas prior which made her smile. This year’s list included going ice skating, seeing a movie in the theaters, getting ice cream, going shopping, etc.

Inez smiled at the list and began trying to think of which order they could do the things in. It was exciting to have multiple things to look forward to for the rest of her trip. That’s when she remembered that in two days her and Steve also had a date at the courthouse so she could be legally adopted. Everything seemed to finally be going right for her and Inez loved it.

“I say we get ice cream after we leave the courthouse as a little celebratory treat,” Inez said when she finally looked up from the piece of paper.

“I was thinking the exact same thing,” Steve smiled. “Now how about while I make breakfast you start setting up your phone. I’d offer to help but I don’t think I’d be much help.”

“Alright, sounds like a plan. Can we have pancakes and waffles this year?” Inez asked with a hopeful smile.

“Of course, kiddo.”

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