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     OVER the next couple months, Inez grew much closer with the twins. She was closer to Pietro as they could talk to each other more often and easier than her and Wanda but they didn't let that stop them from forming a bond. The two were each other's best friend and they felt like they could tell the other anything. And that was why one day while Pietro was in training, Inez told Wanda that she had began to grow feelings for the boy.

Wanda had obviously seen this coming from the way the two acted toward and looked at each other and also the fact that Inez constantly thought about what would happen if she told the boy. She always wondered if it was too soon to feel the way she did and if Pietro felt the same.

Wanda also knew that despite her brother being the type to flirt with any breathing person, he meant everything he had ever said to and about Inez. He would tell Wanda that he wished he could take her away from here and give her everything she wanted in life. He always felt anxious when she was taken by the doctors and scientists, fearing she wouldn't return like so many other before her.

So, when Inez told her about her feelings for her brother, Wanda encouraged the girl to tell Pietro. She knew they both needed something to keep them going and this was something they both wanted more than almost anything. Inez tried to brush off the idea of telling the boy but Wanda seemed adamant that the girl does it. She trusted Wanda with her life and so Inez decided to listen to her and tell Pietro. She waited until a time where Wanda was away in training and it was just the two of them alone.

The pair were already standing at the windows, talking quietly about what would happen if they were to ever leave the facility for good. Pietro spoke fondly about showing the girl around Sokovia, wanting her to actually see the place he was from and more than just the base they were in. Inez listened with a smile on her face as the boy reminisced on his childhood with Wanda and their parents.

Pietro looked up at her, still smiling as his eyebrows furrowed when he noticed the way Inez was staring at him. He questioned why she was looking at him the way she was causing her to flush. The boy's smile brightened when he saw the pink hue on the girl's cheeks despite the low lighting.

"Just looking at you," Inez shrugged after a moment. "I like looking at you."

It was Pietro's turn to feel his face flush. He looked down at Inez as they smiled at each other, looking like lovesick fools.

"I like looking at you too," Pietro said as he reached through the window to tuck some hair behind the girl's ear. "One day when we've done our part, we'll get out of here and I'll take you anywhere you want to go."

Inez listened as Pietro continued to ramble on about all the place in the world he had heard about as a kid that he wanted to visit. He mentioned places like France, New York and London, the last two causing split-second visions in Inez's mind that she ignored in favor of listening to the boy in front of her. She had almost completely forgotten that she was planning on telling him how she felt about him when Pietro stopped talking after a few minutes. He looked down before looking back up at the girl.

"I'm going to say something and I need you to listen, alright?" He said as his face turned more serious than before making the smile fall from Inez's face. "I see you as more than a friend. I know we've only known each other for a few months but I don't see myself being just friends with you. I want us to have a future together."

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