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     ARRIVING back at Hogwarts was the greatest feeling Inez had felt since being reunited with her dad. Seeing the familiar sights of the castle and the grounds, seeing the familiar faces, and smelling the food that was awaiting the students was a comfort to the girl. She had missed the atmosphere dearly while she was away and was more than excited to be back where she belonged.

The first people to run up to her were Ron and Harry who were spewing words before Inez could even process that they were in front of her. She blinked rapidly as she attempted to grasp what they were saying, George noticing immediately that she was feeling overwhelmed.

"Shut it Ron," the older boy said as he looked at his little brother. "Give her a moment to even realize that you're in front of her."

"Sorry," Harry was quick to apologize for both himself and his best friend. "We're so glad you're back, Inez."

"Yeah, for sure!" Ron agreed. "Want to hear about what Harry got for Christmas?"

"Obviously! Tell me everything," the girl said as she rested her arms on the boys' shoulders and began walking toward the castle entrance.

The pair of friends began recounting the story of Harry receiving a firebolt for the holiday from an unknown person and how excited they were about the gift. That was until Hermione had told Professor McGonagall about it and she confiscated it to ensure that it had not been jinxed or tampered with in any way. Inez felt for the boy but also knew that Hermione was just worried about her friend and wanted him to be safe. To Inez, Harry had a right to be upset but also Hermione had done the right thing by telling McGonagall. Inez would have done the same thing as the other girl.

"I'm sorry that your broom got taken Harry," Inez frowned as she pulled him closer to her side in a side hug. "Can I be honest with you?"

"Always," Harry nodded as he looked at the girl slightly wide-eyed.

"Now don't get upset with me because I just want what's best for you and I care about you, okay? I think Hermione did the right and responsible thing. Don't interrupt me, either of you two," Inez continued when the pair of third years made noises of disagreement. "Now, yes, it's upsetting that you don't get to have your broomstick. Yes, it's annoying that you'll have to keep using the school brooms until they finish checking yours. But Hermione is just worried that someone did something to it to purposely harm you. We both know that people have tried to harm you in the past and it's better to be safe than sorry with the broom. If it really means that much to you though, I'll see what I can do to get you your broom back for you or even just a better replacement until you get it back."

"You would do that for me?" Harry asked as he stared at the girl.

"Totally," Inez smiled. "I know we don't talk often but I'd do anything for you."

Harry smiled as he looked back in front of the group. Inez smiled over at him before looking behind her to see George smiling at her. Her smile widened before she refocused her gaze in front of her to walk. As she approached the entrance of the Great Hall, she bid goodbye to the two younger boys before rushing toward the Hufflepuff table where she saw Cedric looking around expectantly.

He caught sight of the girl and stood from his seat and rushed toward her. They met in the middle as the boy lifted the younger girl in his arms and spun her around once.

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