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     INEZ was walking back into the main area after getting lost for about ten minutes. She had no idea where she was going and just wanted to find someone she knew to either ask for help or stay with. She spotted Steve and the others and smiled, running into the room. She heard Doctor Banner mention something about mechanics as she rushed to sit next to Steve.

"I kind of got lost," Inez gave the man a sheepish smile when he looked at her.

"Kind of lost or really lost?" Steve asked with a knowing look.

The brunette grumbled as she glared at the blonde man. He laughed before turning his attention to the two people walking into the room who happened to be Tony Stark and Phil. The two separated and Phil made his way over to where Inez was and the two chatted quietly while the others talked about the important things.

"I do!" Steve suddenly blurted out which made everyone look in his direction. He looked around sheepishly for a moment before continuing. "I understood that reference."

"You finally understood something grandpa," Inez teased before turning back to Phil. "And so then Fred and Lee ran to the left while George and I ran to the right. The only reason I can tell the difference between the two is because George has a tiny scar above his eyebrow from when I accidentally scratched him. He had snuck up on me while I was in the library and so I used my feather pen as a weapon. I felt so bad."

After the little story, Phil was called over by another agent and Inez left to find a restroom. She got lost on her way there once again. She felt that this place needed some arrows or something to guide new people around. But then again if they got invaded it would be easier for people to know where everyone was.

She walked through an entranceway and saw Loki standing in a cage. She smiled at the God as she walked more into the room. Loki turned at the sound of footsteps and spotted the young girl, his eyes blue unlike last time she saw him.

"Hi Mr. Loki!"

"Hello child. What are you doing here?" Loki questioned as he looked past her to the doorway.

He tried to see if there was anyone was listening in on their conversation. He wasn't sure if she was sent in to try and get something out of him though he doubted that she would do that. She seemed too sweet to let them use her.

"I got lost again. I'm glad I found you though. It's quite boring with all the others besides Phil but he has his job to do. So, what do you want to talk about?"

Inez sat in front of the glass barrier with a smile and rested her chin in her hands. Her elbows rested on her knees and looked up at the God with a look of wonder. Loki stared down at the girl for a moment before sighing and smiling at her, his eyes greener than they were moments earlier.

"Why don't you tell me a story?" Loki suggested as he stepped closer to the glass.

Inez nodded before taking a moment to think about what story she should tell. She could talk about her adventures with the twins and Lee. Maybe about the time she got lost at Hogwarts and ended up in the kitchens. Deciding on a story that might help convince the God that what he was planning was wrong, Inez sighed.

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