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     THE day after Christmas, Steve and Inez left the apartment to complete two of the activities on the Christmas Checklist as Inez liked to call it. They were going on the "grandpa granddaughter date" and decided to head to a French bakery for breakfast. It was the same bakery Steve had brought the girl to on her first full day in New York the summer prior.

The two sat and ate pastries for around an hour as Inez told the man stories from school that she had yet to tell him. She told him about Harry Potter coming to Hogwarts and how he was the first first year to make the quidditch team in years. After the two finished their food, they left the bakery and headed to one of the many home goods stores in the city.

Walking into the store, Steve guided Inez towards the bedroom décor. They were getting things to decorate Inez's room as they hadn't gotten much time to do that quite yet. Much of their time after the attack in New York was spent helping the city rebuild as well as helping Inez work through some of her trauma from losing her parents and the attack. Seeing the aftermath of the city really affected her in a negative way.

Inez quickly began to look around with interest and excitement. She had a vision for her room and she would be damned if she couldn't find anything that she wanted for her room. After a few minutes she found a clothing rack that she had been thinking about for a while now. Since she didn't have many clothes outside of her school uniforms, didn't have a closet and she didn't spend much time at their apartment anyway she felt it was the best option

After a while she found a poster of different types of butterflies and some fake plants that looked real enough. She planned on hanging the few vinyl records that she had on the wall to add some color. Her vinyl collection consisted of every Taylor Swift album and an assortment of other artists that her parents or friends got her into.

Once Inez had picked out the things she wanted for her room, Steve helped her carry the items to the checkout line. The two of them discussed the girl's plans for her room as Steve nodded in agreement.

"It's going to look great kid. It'll be your space," Steve said as they moved up in line.


     INEZ smiled as her and Clint pulled up to a nice farmhouse in the late evening. Steve was needed immediately by S.H.I.E.L.D. as soon as they returned from going decor shopping and for the next two days. Clint offered to watch the girl for him so here she was at Clint's place in Missouri.

"You got some secret family only you and Nat know about or something?" Inez joked as she got out of the car.

"Pretty much," Clint answered as he carried the girl's trunk.

Inez looked at the man in confusion for a moment as they walked through the front door. Two little kids, one boy and the other a girl, ran up to Clint and hugged his legs tightly. Setting the trunk down, the archer picked both kids up and spun them around.

"Hey kiddos. I brought someone extra special for you two to meet," the man smiled as he squeezed his children.

The two kids looked over his shoulders at Inez who smiled shyly at them. The little girl practically lept from her father's arms into Inez's who barely managed to catch her. The Carter girl spun the Barton girl around with a giggle before looking back at Clint.

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