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     ARRIVING back at the party, the four began handing out drinks and tossing sweets into the crowd. Inez was quick to sneak off to the twin's dorm to get her new dog away from the crowd. While she was gone, Max quickly found Lee. As soon as she returned to the common room, Inez stuck with the twins, George slipping his hand into hers as to avoid losing her in the crowded room.

After a while, they found Lee and Max in a corner and joined the couple with the bottle of fire whiskey they had gotten. Inez grabbed one of the bottles of butterbeer for herself, seen as her medication were not supposed to be mixed with alcohol. The boys and Max took turns drinking out of the bottle while Inez sipped her drink every so often to pretend like she was included. She listened to the other four laugh and joke around, letting out half-assed chuckles when it felt appropriate. When she couldn't take anymore, she got up and excused herself to talk to Harry who sat with Ron.

The girl dropped herself onto the couch next to the pair of boys, sighing as she leaned her head back. The pair looked over at her with worried glances but didn't say anything. Inez looked over at them and gave a soft smile.

"Do you ever just get tired of being around people?" The girl asked to which she gained nods. "Me too."

"Are you alright?" Harry asked after a few moments, once Ron was distracted by something Seamus Finnigan was saying to him.

"The guys and Max are drinking but I can't with my medication so I felt left out," the girl explained. "They were all having fun and I wasn't so I left so I wouldn't bring down the mood. Don't worry about it. What's up with you?"

"Just celebrating the win," Harry shrugged before hesitating. "You know that thing you said earlier after the match about feeling like a proud mom or older sister? I don't think it's weird."

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