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     FLYING over Seoul was a beautiful sight but Inez didn't have much time to enjoy the view. Her and Steve were dropped off on the roof of the research lab by Clint and Nat before they made their way inside. The pair found Dr. Cho bleeding on the ground and they rushed to help her. Steve grabbed a rag and held it to the woman's shoulder that was bleeding.

"He's uploading himself into the body," the woman informed as she breathed heavily.

Steve asked where Ultron was as Inez pushed him away to inspect the wound. Her fingers moved in front of it, dancing around as white energy began to repair the wound.

"The real power is inside the Cradle. The gem, its power is uncontainable. You can't just blow it up," Dr. Cho held onto the girl as she spoke. "You have to get the Cradle to Stark."

"First I have to find it," Steve responded and Inez ushered him away with a promise to find him once she made sure Dr. Cho was alright.

She helped the woman stand from the ground and move toward a chair. She used a clean rag to wipe at the woman's bloodied face.

"The twins, are they still with him?" Inez asked as she wiped at the woman's forehead.

"They ran from him," Cho said quietly. "They found out he's planning global destruction and they freaked out. I don't know where they went."

Inez nodded and asked if the doctor needed anything else. When she told the girl to go, Inez rushed out of the lab, listening in on the comms. She debated helping the others but knew that if she could find the twins, they had a chance of really taking down the metal man.

Inez took a deep breath as she stood on the roof of the lab once again, this time getting a running start before jumping off of the building. Energy shot out of her hands, keeping her in the air as she levitated before flying away from the lab.

She was completely unsure of how to find the pair of siblings but knew that she had to at least attempt to. She gave up on her search in a matter of seconds when Steve asked for her help through the comms. She changed course and met him on the truck as Ultron shot at him. Inez shielded her dad from the attack as Ultron said something about real change.

Inez jumped out of the way as Steve threw his shield at Ultron and the metal men went to shoot at him. The girl fell back onto a car that was driving next to the truck, apologizing to the driver as she jumped off of the vehicle. She groaned slightly as she rubbed her shoulders, sighing when she saw the truck getting away. She saw Nat on a motorcycle speeding in her direction and took a deep breath before taking her shot to hop on behind the woman. She barely got on before Nat was leaning the bike slightly to grab a hold of Steve's shield that lay on the road.

"I'm always picking up after you boys."

She listened through the comms as Clint told the woman where to go, holding onto the woman tightly as they took a hard right. They sped through the city as they made their way to the truck where Steve was still fighting Ultron. Inez internally panicked when they turned and saw that they were about to run into the truck. Nat managed to get them underneath it before coming out of the other side of it, throwing Steve his shield which he uses to get Ultron off of him.

The metal man stops the two on the bike by bringing up a piece of the road. Inez hopped off the bike as both tires were once again touching the ground.

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