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     INEZ sat in the chair she was instructed to sit in while she waited for Steve, Draco and his father to join her and Professor Dumbledore in the man's office. She was playing with the hem of her shirt. It was of the ones that Natasha had gifted her for Christmas and it had become a comfort item for the girl. It reminded her of home.

The door opened but Inez couldn't bring herself to look at who had entered the room. The voice of Percy was heard as he sat in the seat to Inez's right. It had just occurred to Inez that there were five chairs instead of four in front of the headmaster's desk.

"The others are just behind me," Percy informed just before the door opened again.

"Thank you for joining me today," Dumbledore smiled at every once they were seated. "I've asked one of our prefects, Mr. Weasley, to be here since he witnessed the event. I trust that we'll all tell the truth."

"Of course, Professor," Inez nodded as looked straight ahead at the man.

"Good. Now let's begin with Mr. Malfoy giving his side of the story and then we'll have Ms. Carter," Dumbledore was cut off by Percy speaking.

"Excuse me sir, sorry to interrupt but it's actually Ms. Rogers now. Inez has officially been adopted and changed her surname."

"Right, my apologies. Ms. Rogers will go second and then Mr. Weasley here will tell us the whole story."

Lucius looked utterly annoyed by the whole arrangement. He seemed to want to be anywhere, but this office and Inez couldn't blame him. She wanted to be anywhere but here as well.

"I was just simply speaking to Weasley's little sister when crazy girl over here comes up and slaps me in the face," Draco says as he gestures to the girl.

Inez discreetly rolls her eyes but feels her throat tighten at the name he called her. Was she crazy? Is that what people thought of her? Her fingers began wrapping the hem of her shirt around her thumb as she waited for the boy to continue.

"I shoved her away from me and then she punched me. Then, and get this, she tells me to leave the girl alone and then used her weird magic thing to give me a headache. All I did was talk to the ginger," Draco rolled his eyes.

Dumbledore nodded before turning towards Inez. She looked up from her lap, her face dripping with annoyance.

"Ms. Rogers, is your story different from Mr. Malfoy's?" Dumbledore asked as he stared at her.

Inez was ranting as she told the others what had happened. She told them about what had truly happened as she didn't want to get into even more trouble for lying. She admitted that she shouldn't have slapped the boy but informed them all that he had already been told to leave the family alone. It didn't excuse her actions she knew but it also explained why she had so much anger directed at the boy.

"When I told him to leave Ginny alone, he told me-"

Inez went quiet as she thought back to what he had said. She hated the fact that not being a pureblood made people think less of her. She felt her throat tighten once again as she tried to say the words.

"Ms. Rogers?" Dumbledore spoke as he tried to get her to continue speaking.

"She must be trying to come up with another lie about my son," Mr. Malfoy scoffed as he looked at the girl.

"Excuse you but my child doesn't lie, especially not when it comes to something this serious," Steve finally spoke. "I'd appreciate it if you gave her a moment to breathe because it seems that your son said something quite inappropriate."

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