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     WATCHING as Ultron stops in front of the church, the team waits for his move.

"Is that the best you can do?" Thor yelled his question at the metal man.

Ultron lifted his arm, summoning his army who seemed to appear out of nowhere. Inez stared in shock at the bots making their way toward the Avengers before stopping behind Ultron. Steve watched the bots, not even looking at Thor as he spoke.

"You had to ask."

Under any other circumstances, Inez would have laughed.

"This is the best I can do," Ultron told the team as he stared down at them. "This is exactly what I wanted. All of you, against all of me. How could you possibly hope to stop me?"

"Well, like the old man said," Tony said as he looked over at Steve. "Together."

Hulk roared and with that, the Ultron bots made their way to the Avengers.

Inez stood between Steve and Wanda as the entire team worked on protecting the core. They fought off bots left and right, no time to take a breather between attacks. Inez sent out a stream of static that took out several of the robots at once as they attempted to grab a hold of her. She grabbed a hold of one of the bots, shocking it until it fell limp before telekinetically lifting it in the air and throwing it at on coming bots.

It was pure chaos around her and Inez tried to keep herself, the core and everyone else safe. When one of the bots got its hands around Steve's throat, the girl grabbed ahold of it from behind allowing Steve to hit it with his shield.

Gaining leverage on one of the bots, Inez sat on its shoulders with one of her knees pressed against its throat. She heard Nat call out to her, informing her that she had a gun in a thigh holster. How Inez had forgotten about it, she'll never know. The girl pulled the gun out, making sure the safety was off as she shot the bot in the neck. It fell to the ground as Inez summersaulted to land safely.

The team was doing surprisingly well as they fought against Ultron's army. Each person was able to hold their own as they took out bot after bot. Inez felt herself begin to feel less anxious about all of them making it out alive. Maybe they really could do this.

Ultron flew into the church at the realization that the team could take out his army. The robot began to battle with Vision until he shot at Ultron with the stone in his head. Thor and Tony followed the pair out as the rest of the team worked on protecting the core.

It wasn't long before the Ultron bots began attempting to retreat from the church and the city altogether. They flew off of the floating city but Rhodey made sure to take care of them with the help of Vision.

"We gotta move out," Steve said as he looked around at those who remained in the church. "Even I can tell the air is getting thin. You guys get to the boats. I'll sweep for stragglers. Be right behind you."

"I'll go with you," Inez said as she moved to stand with her dad. "Got to watch your back."

"What about the core?"

At Clint's question, the group looked toward the metal in the center of the building.

"I'll protect it," Wanda assured, getting worried looks from the rest of the group, especially her brother and Inez. "It's my job."

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