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     MEDICATION was a new thing for Inez and the effects were definitely bothering her. In the two and a half weeks she had been taking her meds, she had begun to always feel tired, her skin was breaking out, her hands shook even if she didn't want them to, and she had gained the weight back that she had lost in the months she had been Sokovia. It was messing with her, not being the same as she was before. Sure, she was glad to have the symptoms of her illnesses numbed but she hated the way the meds made her feel.

She didn't tell anyone that though. Her friends kept talking about how much better she seemed to be doing and she didn't want them to put her on a different set of medication that she would have to get reused to and possibly have worse side effects. She felt that she could push through how she was feeling.

Despite feeling like a zombie, Inez had officially caught up on the majority of her missed course work, only having a few more assignments to do. She was finally able to relax a bit and enjoy being with her friends again. She would eat lunch with Cedric and Conan, being semi honest with them about how she was feeling and her side effects. They would report back to Steve but the four and Dehra, Inez's therapist, agreed that she would stay on the medications for now. Conan had told Steve that he would look into any possible magical remedies, not enjoying having to see Inez feel so out of place.

The girl had been alone with all of her friends one on one with the exception of George. She still felt guilty about how everything with Pietro went down and was scared of what the Weasley boy thought about it all. She knew the others assured her that he wasn't upset with her but she could never be for sure.

After quidditch practice the day before the Gryffindor and Ravenclaw match, George had cornered the girl in one of the many corridors in the castle. He had borrowed Harry's invisibility cloak so that the pair wouldn't get caught, using it to pull the girl into an empty classroom. The girl almost let out a scream before George covered her mouth with his hand.

"Why have you been avoiding me?" The boy asked seconds after ripping the invisibility cloak off of himself.

The girl's answer was muffled by the boy's hand before his eyes widened and he removed it. Inez let out a small sigh of relief before crossing her arms over her chest.

"Why did you think sneak attacking the girl who was kidnapped was a good idea?" She deflected from the boy's question as she rolled her eyes in mock annoyance.

She was more scared of how their interaction would end than annoyed with the boy. All the girl wanted was for everything to go back to the way it had been the year prior.

"Okay, fair point. I'm sorry about that," George said as he allowed his hands to rest at his side. "Now, back to my question. Why are you avoiding me?"

"I haven't been-"

"You refuse to be alone with me. You only hang out with me when the others are around but you can be alone with them. Whenever you think we'll be alone for even a second you either bring someone with you or you leave with them," the boy cut her off as he took a step towards her. "Inez, you've been avoiding me and I want to know what I did so that I can fix it."

Inez looked the boy in the eyes, her fingers moving to the hem of her shirt to twist it around her thumb. She knew it wasn't fair to the boy to let him think he did something wrong when in reality it was all her. He hadn't done anything to her to deserve the way she was treating him.

"George, you didn't do anything. I'm not mad at you," she looked down at the pair's feet to avoid the boy's intense stare.

"I had to of done something because otherwise you would never act like this. What happened that makes you refuse to be alone with me?"

The boy took another step forward as he rested his hand on the girl's cheek, tilting her head to look up at him. His eyes softened as he realized that hers were watering. George pulled Inez into a gentle hug, her face hiding in his chest as she took deep breaths. She pulled away fully after a few moments and stood a couple steps away from the boy.

"I didn't want to be alone with you because I was scared you were mad at me," the girl admitted with a frown as she crossed her arms in front of her chest. "I never knew what you thought about everything that I said about Pietro. I know that we had something before...before I was taken and I hate to think about the fact that I was with him when you were here worried about me. I want everything to go back to normal but it can't."

George let out a deep sigh as he shoved his hand in his pockets. He stared at the ground as Inez stared at him, trying to read even the smallest of movements on his face. She couldn't quite tell what he was thinking and it made her heart rate pick up.

"I'm not going to lie, it kind of hurt when you told us about him," George admitted as he let out another sigh. "It doesn't change the way I see you or feel about you and I'm not upset with you. I wouldn't even truly have a right to be upset with you about being with him if I were. We were never truly official, no matter how much I wanted to be. You didn't even know who you were when you were gone. I may have been hurt by the fact that you were with him but I'm learning to be okay with it. I just need to know how you feel about me right now, in this moment."

Inez stared at the boy as he looked up from the ground and into her eyes. Her breath got caught in her throat as she thought about what he had just said. She wasn't sure how he would take what she was about to say to him.

"George, I love you," she confessed as she continued wrapping the hem of her shirt around her thumb.

"I love you too," George sighed in relief with a small smile. "We can start over if you wanted. Anything you want."

"But," the girl said before the boy spoke again.

"'But' what?"

Inez looked around the boy's face as she frowned at the look in his eyes.

"I love him too. That doesn't just stop because he died and I'm back here with you," she felt her eyes welling with tears as she spoke. "Honestly, it will probably be difficult for me to get over him. I want to be with you. I have for so long but I don't think I'm ready quite yet. Pietro meant a lot to me. He died to protect me. I just, I want to be able to heal before I throw myself into a relationship. I want to be with you, George, trust me. I'm just not ready yet."

"I understand that, love. I don't want you to do anything you're not ready for," George assured her as he rested a hand on her face. "I'm okay with just being your friend for as long as you'll have me. I just don't want to lose you, Nez."

"You won't," she felther lips pull up into a small smile. "I need you."

hey everyone!! sorry
this is so short. i
hope you still
enjoyed it though.

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