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     HOSPITAL chairs were the least comfy thing on the planet. Inez was sure of it. No matter how she positioned herself to sit, she could not find an ounce of comfort in the damned chairs.

It had been a day since the incident with taking down HYDRA and S.H.I.E.L.D. and Steve had yet to wake up. Inez had refused to leave the waiting room the evening prior while Steve was in surgery for his bullet wounds. When Sam and Nat had finally gotten her to leave, it took them an hour to realize that it was just an illusion with them causing them to go back to the hospital and wait with the girl. The two ended up sitting in the waiting room with the girl, Nat giving her tips on how to be stealthier to help distract her.

The moment visiting hours started that morning, Inez was in Steve's hospital room and sitting next to his bed. It was hard for her to see him in such a state, so bloody and bruised. She had no idea what to do as she just watched him for a while. It was when she began to cry, telling the unconscious man that she didn't know what she would do without him and that he had to wake up because she needed him that Sam came into the room with breakfast for himself and Inez as well as her blanket that she now sat under.

The girl tucked her feet underneath her as she was wrapped in her blanket and reading the second The Hunger Games book, leaning against Sam. He was reading the first one, knowing it would give him and the girl something to talk about, getting her mind off of all that had happened in the past couple of days. Sam also had Marvin Gaye playing in the background but besides that it was silent.

"On your left," Steve said, causing the other two to look at him.

Inez smiled at her dad, getting a smile in return.

"Hey Dad."

"Hey kiddo. You finished your other book already?"

"Yeah," Inez nodded with a small grin. "I'm reading the second one right now. How're you feeling?"

"I'm okay. I'm glad you're okay," Steve reached out to grab the girl's hand.

Inez set her hand in her dad's and squeezed it three times. Steve squeezed hers back before his face flashed with realization.

"Your birthday's in a few days," Steve groaned quietly as he leaned back into his pillows. "I'm sorry I'm stuck in here. We can do something here if you want or we could have a big party over the summer and you can invite your friends from school."

Inez looked up from her hand that was clasping Steve's as she attempted to hold in a laugh.

"Did you just apologize for being injured?" Sam smirked as he looked up from his book.

Inez let her laugh slip through and fell forward slightly, Sam pulling her back up so she didn't fall to the ground. Steve rolled his eyes at the two, regretting his choice of words.

"Okay, okay. I'm good now," Inez said before laughing once again.

It took her a moment but eventually the girl calmed herself and was no longer laughing.

"I'm okay with something small but I know Max and Fred would kill me if either of them found out I declined the offer of throwing a party. So would it be possible to just get a cake on my birthday and watch some movies and then during the summer holiday to have a party?"

"We absolutely could do that," Steve gave his daughter a small smile. "Do you want me to read that book once Sam's done so we can watch the movie and compare the two?"

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