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     FAMILY was something that all three of the individuals that occupied the cells longed for. Sure, Pietro and Wanda had each other as siblings but they both wanted more than that. They wanted people they could look out for and who would look out for them.

Wanda wanted a mother and a father to take care of her. She wanted to be a mother when she was older. She wanted more than anything to have the perfect sitcom life like she had seen in the television shows.

Pietro wanted people to spend his time with whether it was parental figures or something else. He wanted to love someone the way his father loved his mother and be loved the way his mother loved his father. He wasn't sure about kids. Sure, it would be amazing to watch them grow and teach them the ways of the world but how could he really do that with where he is now. He knew he couldn't.

Inez wanted more than anything to have parents. She wanted a brother too, but she longed for a parent's love. Especially fatherly love. She wondered if it was because she had been close with her father before she came here. That's if she even had a father before. The girl still had no memories of her life before she came to this place. She wished she knew even an ounce of what her life had been like.

Pietro looked over at the girl through the window of their cells as he wondered what was running through her head. She girl had been making butterflies appear before they disappeared into nothingness with a wave of her hand. Her eyebrows knit together every couple of minutes before she would mutter under her breath and rub her temple.

"What's on your mind?" Pietro's voice caught the girl off guard causing her head to shoot up. "Sorry. I didn't mean to startle you."

"No worries," Inez gave a tight-lipped smile. "Just thinking about things."

The girl sighed softly before standing from her cot and walking towards the window. She leaned against the wall as she looked at Pietro through the small opening, studying the boy's face. She knew it was useless if something were to happen to her memory again but the girl wanted to memorize as many things as possible. She wanted things to think about and remember instead of thinking about what she can't remember.

"What're you looking at?" The boy asked as he lifted an eyebrow at the girl.

"You," Inez said with the gentlest of smiles the boy had seen. "Your eyes are nice to look at."

The boy let out an airy laugh as he looked down before looking back at the girl. Being stuck in a cell for as long as he had meant he didn't flirt with people often let alone have someone flirt with him. He wasn't even entirely sure if she was flirting with him or just was saying whatever came to mind.

"Well, I enjoy looking at you," Pietro returned the smile before becoming focused on the sound of footsteps coming towards the cells. "They're back."

Both of them heard Wanda's voice in their minds telling them they wanted to test out Inez's abilities. The girl looked over at Wanda, panic evident on her face.

"Stay calm sweetheart," the Maximoff girl told the other girl in her mind. "They're just going to put you in a room with a two-way mirror and a table, chair and some other things. No one will hurt you. They will just ask you to try and see if you gained any new abilities from your interaction with the gem."

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