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     SITTING at home all alone was not how Inez had planned to spend her first evening home for her holiday. Sure maybe a few days in, but not the first day. She didn’t blame Steve. This was his job. She just wished she had friends who she could spend time with while she was home.

Steve had specifically told her to not leave the apartment but when did she ever listen to adults? Never really.

So, Inez changed her comfy lounge wear for some blue jeans, a black turtleneck and a brown plaid jacket. She slipped on some boots before grabbing some of the money Steve had left her, her phone and apartment keys before leaving her apartment. As she locked her front door, Inez heard another door in the hallway open.

Turning around she saw a blonde leaving her apartment as well. Inez felt like she was familiar but couldn’t quite place where she had seen her neighbor. Probably just around the building.

“Oh sorry,” the woman smiled at the girl. “I didn’t mean to startle you.”

“It’s fine,” Inez smiled. “I’m just a jumpy person. I’m Inez.”

The woman gave the girl a warm smile, introducing herself as Kate. The two walked to the elevator together as Inez worked up the courage to say anything to the woman. However, she didn’t have to as Kate turned to her as the elevator closed.

“I don’t mean to intrude but I don’t see you around much and I hear an accent.”

“Oh, I’m adopted and my dad didn’t want to make me leave my friends so I still go to the boarding school I went to before the adoption,” Inez explained. “I come home for every break we have.”

Kate nodded in understanding as the elevator doors opened. The pair walked out of the lift together. They said their goodbyes as they walked out the door and their separate ways.

Inez stuffed her hands in her pockets as she walked down the street, watching her surroundings. She did not plan on getting kidnapped or attacked today. Or any day for that matter. She wanted to make it back home in one piece so that Steve wouldn’t know she snuck out.

A few blocks away from the apartment building, the girl found a café that looked promising. She walked in and immediately made eye contact with Sam, the man that Steve had met earlier in the day, running. She walked right back out of the café, and down the street. She heard the café door open again and footsteps following her.

“Hey kid. What’re you doing out by yourself? I thought Steve had to go?”

Inez gave an awkward laugh as she shoved her hands in her pockets.

“Well, you see, he had a mission with Aunt Nat. I was supposed to stay home but I got bored so I snuck out,” Inez innocently smiled. “Look I have no friends here to spend time with and I’m home alone and I just want to be a normal kid.”

Sam watched her for a moment before nodding.

“Come on,” he said. “We’ll get some coffee or whatever you want from the café and then we’ll go wherever else you want. I don’t want you going out on your own.”

Inez smiled before following the man back to the building. He waited with her while she ordered a coffee, the two discussing what there was to do in walking distance. Sam mentioned that there was a bookstore around the corner, making Inez practically jump from excitement. Once she got her drink to go, the two left the café and made their way to the bookstore.

hurricane [marvel x harry potter crossover]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang